You are hereby notified that the Carson City Planning Commission will
conduct public hearings on Wednesday, July 27, 2022, regarding the
items noted below. The meeting will commence at 5:00 PM. The meeting
will be held in the Carson City Community Center, Robert “Bob”
Crowell Board Room, 851 East William Street, Carson City, Nevada.
ZA-2022-0263 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action
regarding a request from Qualcan, LLC (“Applicant”) for a recommendation
from the Planning Commission to the Board of Supervisors to
amend Division 1.20 of Title 18, Appendix of the Carson City Municipal
Code (“CCMC”) to amend various provisions relating to marijuana governing
the number of retail marijuana stores allowed in Carson City and
the availability of drive-through services at medical marijuana dispensaries
and retail marijuana stores. (Heather Ferris,
Staff Summary: The Applicant is proposing to amend the CCMC to increase
the number of retail marijuana stores authorized in Carson City
from 2 to 3 and to provide for drive-through sales at medical marijuana
dispensaries and retail marijuana stores. On June 29, 2022, the Planning
Commission continued this matter in order to consider a total of 4
retail marijuana stores as allowed by Section 678B.260 of the Nevada
Revised Statutes (“NRS”) and continue to prohibit drive-through uses.
The Planning Commission makes recommendation to the Board of
LU-2022-0262 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action
regarding a request from Qualcan, LLC (“Applicant”) for a special use
permit to allow for a retail marijuana store on a parcel zoned General
Commercial (“GC”), located at 5100 S Carson Street, Assessor’s Parcel
Number (“APN”) 009-301-06. (Heather Ferris,
Staff Summary: The Applicant is proposing a new retail marijuana
dispensary, approximately 4,000 square feet in size near the intersection
of Hwy 50 W and S Carson Street. The proposed building will
be constructed to accommodate other permitted uses within the GC
zoning district, such as a restaurant. This special use permit request is
dependent upon the approval of the proposed zoning code amendment
(ZA-2022-0263) which would allow for additional retail marijuana stores
in Carson City. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve a
special use permit.
LU-2022-0296 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action
regarding a request from Carson City Public Works (“Applicant”) for a
special use permit to allow for an addition to the existing fleet maintenance
building for tire and welding operations on a parcel zoned Public
Regional (“PR”), located at 3303 Butti Way, Assessor’s Parcel Number
(“APN”) 010-031-04. (Heather Ferris,
Staff Summary: The Applicant is proposing to a 2,111 square foot
addition to the existing fleet maintenance building to house tire repair,
tire storage, and welding operations. The proposed addition will be
located at the end of the existing building and will be designed to match
the existing façade in materials and colors. The Planning Commission
is authorized to approve a special use permit.
Pub Date: July 16, 2022 Ad # 26008