Letters to the Editor for June 4, 2022

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Guy Farmer says thanks for memories
To my loyal readers: After 26 years and some 2,300 columns, it’s time for me to back off, slow down and get out from under weekly column deadlines, so I’m sad to tell you that I’m stepping down as the Appeal’s senior political columnist while maintaining good relations with the paper and editor Adam Trumble.
I’m deeply grateful to the readers who stuck with me through the years, whether they agreed with my political opinions, or not. I never tried to convince anyone to agree with me; rather, my intention was always to generate public discussion of political issues that matter, like federal-state relations, rampant inflation, or border control.
I fervently believe that newspapers with lively, vigorous opinion pages – especially during a contentious election year like 2022 – are interesting papers that will attract more readers. Papers without real opinion pages are losing readers in our all-too-politicized nation.
Thanks to the many Appeal editors and publishers who have supported me through the years and to my many readers. I was always proud to be associated with the Appeal, ever since my first byline appeared in this paper in January 1962, when I was the newly minted Associated Press capital correspondent. It’s been a great ride, and thanks for the memories.
Guy W. Farmer
Carson City


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