June 6, 2022
20TH Round of Funding Available for State
of Nevada Lake Tahoe Water Quality and
Erosion Control Grants
The Nevada Division of State Lands
announces the opening of a grant round for
projects to be funded through the Lake Tahoe
Water Quality and Erosion Control Grants
Program. The twentieth round will make
funding available to implement Environmental
Improvement Program (EIP) projects on
the Nevada side of the Lake Tahoe Basin.
This includes Water Quality and Stream
Environment Zone (SEZ) restoration and
enhancement projects. Non-state applicants
must provide a minimum twenty-five percent
matching funds.
The pre-application period will be from June
6, 2022 until June 17, 2022 at 4:00pm. Pre
applications are due electronically by 4pm
on June 17, 2022. Projects will be evaluated
for eligibility and accepted projects will then
be invited to submit a full application which
will be due on July 8, 2022. Water Quality and
Erosion Control Grants are open to Nevada
agencies and jurisdictions.
In order to be eligible, projects must be
identified in the current Environmental
Improvement Program, be a benefit to
the general public, and if the project
includes the treatment of stormwater,
the stormwater must be shown to be
connected to a surface water body.
To find the pre-application form, please go
to the Water Quality and Erosion Control
Grant Program page of the NDSL website
at http://lands.nv.gov/resource-programs/
For additional information please contact:
Nevada Division of State Lands
Attn: Chris LaCasse
Water Quality Coordinator
901 S Stewart Street, Suite 5003
Carson City, NV 89701
Pub Date: June 8, 15, 2022 Ad # 24870