To raise awareness on elder abuse and what we can do to see, prevent, and report elder abuse, the Retired Senior Volunteer program will host an elder abuse awareness open house on June 15 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Ormsby Room at the Carson City Sheriff’s Office. RSVP representatives will be available to talk about the different services and volunteer opportunities they provide, as well as information on elder abuse and what you can do to help. From 12-12:45 p.m. guest speakers Ken Furlong, Staci Giomi, and Molly Walt will speak on elder abuse and the Good Neighbor program. RSVP is looking to recruit volunteers to be “Good Neighbors” to Carson City’s elder population. A “Good Neighbor” helps prevent elder abuse by providing socialization and support to seniors who live alone and will be trained in detecting abuse and know who to contact to provide relief. If you or someone you know could benefit from a “Good Neighbor” or if you would like to volunteer and be a “Good Neighbor” to someone, contact Vanessa Torres at 775-687-4680 ext 6. For information, call 775-687-4680 or visit