Churchill County legal - 25181

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City of Fallon

Notice of Intention to

Act on a Resolution

to Augment Budget

Notice is hereby given

that the Honorable City

Council of the City of

Fallon will hold a public

hearing on Wednesday,

June 29, 2022 at

9:00 a.m. in the City

Council Chambers,

City Hall, 55 West

Williams Avenue,

Fallon, Nevada to

act on a resolution to

augment the Fiscal

Year 2021-2022

budget of the General

Fund in the amount

of $2,113,000.00 in

order to appropriate

previously unbudgeted


All interested persons

may attend the public

hearing and be heard.

Prior to the meeting,

written comments may

be submitted to the

City Clerk’s Office, 55

West Williams Avenue,

Fallon, Nevada and

any comments so

submitted will be

considered by the City


Date: June 23, 2022

Sean Richardson

City Clerk/Treasurer

Pub Date:

June 23, 2022

Ad # 25181