The Fallon 12-under Green all-star team includes Christian Benham, Braylon Byrd, Carlos Carreon Jr., Cooper Gubler, Bradley Howells, Alijah Juarez, Zane Ketner, Mason LLamas, Jesse McCuller, Lincoln Neumann, Kylend Powell, Camden Richardson, Kelten Rowland, Peyton Walker and Landen Wolf. Manager is Brian Byrd and assistant coaches are Garrett LLamas, Carlos Carreon and Anthony Juarez.
12u White
The Fallon 12-under White all-star team includes Trey Bradley, Kenton Bryant, Owen Holcomb, Timothy Kotsios, Trace McKnight, Owen Parale, Bryson Powell, Gabriel Quintero, Zoey Sheldon-Davis, Dillon Stacey, Latrell Wadsworth, Lamar Wadsworth and Mob WindRiver. Manager is Daren McKnight and assistant coaches are Jeff Bradley, Shannon Davis and Pat Holcomb.
The Fallon 10-under all-star team includes Sophia Alexander, Brayden Bryant, Keagan Craig, Michael Doud, Damon Edgmon, Jackson Frey, Darius Fruzza, Toha'Kum Gustie, Greyson Johnson, Mason Judd, Carter Larson, Luke McCallum, Connor Tolman and Mason White. Manager is Justin Judd and assistant coach is Cory Tolman.
The Fallon 9-under all-star team includes Lincoln Allen, Madelyn Byrd, Alexander Carreon, Logan Chu, Paxton Cooper, Ace Jr. Green, Hayes Hammon, Aleczander Juarez, Cole Powell, Jack Rowe, Cooper Shuey, Logan Tolman, LeLan White and Lucas Yohey. Manager is Andy Allen and assistant coach is Daniel Chu.