Carson City Symphony Association awards music scholarships

Luna Arredondo

Luna Arredondo

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Mia Hamilton, Luna Arredondo, and Izabell McCullen were awarded the sixth annual Rosemary Nebesky Memorial Scholarships by the Carson City Symphony Association this year.
The scholarship was established by John and Jennifer Webley of Santa Rosa in memory of Rosemary Nebesky, who loved music and children, and had been a friend and board member of the Carson City Symphony Association. It is awarded each year to one or more Carson City students between the ages 5 to 17 for instrumental music lessons. The winners this year were selected from several well qualified applicants.
Mia Hamilton, 14, is a freshman at Douglas High School. She has played violin for six years and plays in Carson City Symphony’s advanced after-school youth strings ensemble, STRAZZ. Her goal is to be better than ever at playing the violin. She is using her scholarship for private lessons with Sue Jesch.

Mia Hamilton 
Luna Arredondo, 12, a seventh grader at Eagle Valley Middle School, is a beginning cellist who plays in her school orchestra. She said playing cello makes her happy and she wants to learn to play well. She is using her scholarship for private cello lessons with Priscilla Hawkins.
Izabell McCullen


Izabell McCullen, 14, is a freshman at Carson High School, and plays violin in the Concert Orchestra. She has been a member of the Carson City School District orchestra program since beginning middle school and has participated in Solo and Ensemble Festival and in Northern Zone Honor Orchestra. Her love of music has led her to play several instruments with her dad in “fun band nights in our garage.” She will use her scholarship for private violin lessons with Laura Gibson. The next round of scholarships will be awarded in the fall.
For information, contact the Symphony at 775-883-4154.


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