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Top Cosmetic Dermatology Treatments Dermatologists Can’t Live Without

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The new year is in full swing, and by now, hopefully, you have managed to write 2022 instead of 2021. We are also hoping you have been tracking with your New Year’s Resolutions. For those of you who included “up my skin care to get glowing skin” as a resolution, we reached out to the Board-Certified Dermatologists at Skin Cancer & Dermatology Institute to share their top cosmetic dermatology treatments.

Q: When it comes to skin care, people often think it refers only to creams, moisturizers, serums, and products of that sort, but there is so much more. Tell us a little about how cosmetic dermatology treatments complement an at-home skin care routine. 

Treatments done in the office generally provide faster results than the at-home skin care routines. Of course, at-home skin care is very important for your overall skin health, but adding in-office treatments can speed up your results. For example, if you are concerned about wrinkles and are using anti-wrinkle creams at home, these can absolutely help soften your appearance. However, at-home products can take anywhere from weeks to months for you to see a difference, and the results happen slowly over time. With treatments in the office such as neuromodulators (think BOTOX® Cosmetic) or facial fillers (like JUVÉDERM®), you will see results much sooner.


Q: What do you recommend for at-home skin care routines?

Such a great question. The #1 thing we recommend is … SUNSCREEN! We are at a high altitude, and we get so many sunny days that most of us do not realize how much sun we are getting each and every day. Just driving in the car gives us a nice sun exposure. Find a way to add sunscreen to your daily routine. We recommend picking a sunscreen that can double as your moisturizer and/or foundation. There are so many excellent tinted products that can accomplish this for you (like Revision Skincare® Intellishade® Original moisturizer with sunscreen or EltaMD® tinted sunscreens)! Aim for the highest SPF you can – but at least SPF 30. If you plan to be outdoors, aim for higher (SPF 50+) and remember to reapply! Aside from sunscreen, everyone should use a retinoid product nightly (like skinbetter science® AlphaRet® Overnight Cream) and a vitamin C serum (try skinbetter science Alto Defense Serum™) daily before your sunscreen.

Q: Which cosmetic dermatology treatment is your go-to for treating acne and why?

Acne is, first and foremost, a medical diagnosis. If you are concerned about acne, you need to see a professional to optimize your at-home topical treatments and possibly oral treatments. When looking for cosmetic treatments for acne, patients with current acne breakouts can benefit from certain types of chemical peels. If you are concerned about acne scarring, we tell patients that we need to wait to treat scars until your acne is well-controlled. Otherwise, we are chasing our tail. Once the acne is well-controlled, scars can be treated in many ways, including laser resurfacing, chemical peels, microneedling and more. Treatment depends on the type of scarring you have, which is why it is essential to see a provider and talk through your case individually.

Q: How do injectables help people look younger?

Injectables, or facial fillers, are helpful for volume loss. When we are young, we have something called the triangle of youth. This is where our cheeks are high up near our cheekbones, and we have fullness in our upper face. As we age, everything starts to droop, and we get what is called the inverted triangle. This is when you have more loose skin around your jawline (called the jowls), and your upper cheeks can look thin. Facial fillers help replace this lost volume. By adding volume to areas with shadows, wrinkles, and depressions, it can start to reverse the look of the normal aging process and mimic a more youthful appearance.

Q: What other cosmetic treatments do you think most people can benefit from and what skin conditions do they treat?

There are so many great cosmetic treatments. Choosing the right treatment for you depends on what is concerning to you. For brown spots and fine wrinkles, chemical peels or microneedling are great options. Both treatments help the skin remodel, which can soften wrinkles and decrease brown spots. For the double chin, there is a treatment called KYBELLA® that targets that pesky area. It is an injection that breaks down the fat and helps improve the appearance of the jawline. For barnacles or seborrheic keratoses, there are cosmetic removals that can be done. There are also cosmetic removals that can be done for dilated oil glands or sebaceous hyperplasia. My best advice is to see your provider if you have cosmetic concerns and questions about what can be done.

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