Churchill County legal - 24251

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 7th day of March 2022 United States of America, Fish and Wildlife Service of Fallon, Nevada made application to the State Engineer of Nevada for permission to change the place of use and manner of use of 2,436.85 acre feet, a portion of water heretofore appropriated under Permit 61129, Certificate 15567 and under the Alpine Decree and Claim No.3 of the Orr Ditch Decree. Water will be diverted from the Truckee & Carson Rivers at a point located at Lahontan Dam within the SW1/4 SE1/4 Section 33, T19N, R26E, MDB&M. Water will be used for maintenance of wetlands for wildlife purposes as decreed. Water was used as decreed. 

Adam Sullivan, P.E. 

State Engineer 


Date first publication May 19, 2022 

Date last publication June 9, 2022 

Pub Date: May 19, 26, June 2, 9, 2022 

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