Primary Election 2022: Carson City School Board Trustee, District One (nonpartisan)

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Adam Heinz
Occupation: Healthcare Executive
Age: 39
Contact information:,, Twitter: @Heinz4CCSchools, Facebook: Heinz4CarsonSchools

Adam Heinz


Record of service:
This is my first candidacy for public office. I have served our community volunteering for youth programs with AYSO and Little League, in our Emergency Department at Carson Tahoe, and for four years as a sworn reserve deputy with the Carson City Sheriff’s Office.

Bachelor Degree in Psychology and Communications from the University of Nevada, Reno, Master of Business Administration from Western Governors University.

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for:
To represent the constituency with transparency and integrity to ensure that our children, the future of community are provided with the opportunity to learn, to grow, to feel safe, and maximize their potential through collaboration with our community members, parents, board members, administration, teachers, lawmakers, and most importantly, our students.

A brief statement about your platform
Like many running for School Board, our intentions are likely similar ­— to make our educational system better for our students. Our schools face many challenges, from a lack of substantive funding, campus safety, mental and emotional health, teacher recruitment and retention, among others. That said, I believe that one of the single most threats to our current education system is the politicization of matters that ultimately affect our children. I have no aligned interest other than what is best for our students. Commonsensical solutions for many commonsense problems, irrespective of political or personal belief.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
Born in Carson City, a graduate of Carson City schools, and apart of family who live here in Nevada’s greatest city – the people, our community, and the quality of life bless us. A proud father of two, one in first grade, another starting Kindergarten in the fall, I have a long term, vested interest in the success of our students. A product of Carson City public schools and a son of a middle-class family, I am one of many examples and a testament to the hard work of our public educators and the opportunity that exists for our students. I believe it important that individuals with “skin in the game” have the privilege of representing the constituents on our School Board. With over two decades of health care experience, as a provider, as well as an executive leader – I believe I have proven that I am accountable, transparent, have compassion, and able to actively listen, all effective qualities of a member on the board. In essence, I truly believe: Your Board. Our community.

Albert Jacquez
Occupation: I am the current Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Nevada Department of Transportation
Age: 38
(775) 240-8015 or
Albert Jacquez

 Record of service:
I have never served a political office or in the military

Education: High school

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
I believe the core duties for a school board trustee are to be a champion for the community by ensuring educational standards upheld and listening to the teachers in my district.

A brief statement about your platform
My platform is to listen to the teachers and students in my district. To give a voice to those who my be overlooked and not heard. I am running because I feel that to make a change I need to be involved in the change I want to see. Change cannot happen simply by listing all the things you feel are wrong with our community. The change can only happen through collaboration with my community. Putting in the time to work with everyone to help our community grow.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I believe I am qualified because of my work in education for over 20 years. I began my career with the Aztec Boys and Girls Club in Aztec, New Mexico. I started there while in high school. I realized quickly working with children and the value of education would be what I wanted to do with my life. I then moved to work at a residential treatment facility for teens called Halvorson House in Famington, New Mexico. I worked there for 2 years where I successfully helped 6 teens graduate the program. I then moved to Nevada in March 2007 where I began work at the Boys and Girls Club of Western Nevada. I worked there until 2013. While at the Boys and Girls Club of Western Nevada I also participated in the mentor program where I mentored 3 teen boys while raising my 2-year-old son. During this time I also won the “Quality of Life” Award from the Chamber of Commerce and received an Award of Accommodation from Senator Harry Reid. I then moved on to work at the Nevada Department of Transportation as the Education and Outreach Coordinator for the state bicycle and pedestrian program. During my time across two states, I learned how much education means, not only to me, but to the growth of a community. The teachers I know have remarkable passion for their professions and care for the children in their classes. I want to help the teachers in any way I can so they can continue their amazing work. I want to recognize what they do because without support we are asking them to fight with both hands tied behind their back. I want to hear what they have to say and do my best to support them because I know their value.

Maria “Lupe” Ramirez
Occupation: Retired (from Western Nevada College)
Age: 55

Maria "Lupe" Ramirez

 Record of service:
I worked at Western Nevada College for 32 years
Incumbent, School Trustee, District 1

Bachelor’s of Science, Business Management, from Western Governor University
Associate of Applied Science, Business, Western Nevada College

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
School Trustee, District 1. Serve as part of the governing board for the CCSD. Develop or update policies for the district, general overview of the budget, work with the superintendent on the Strategic Plan for the district, attend required trainings, and national conferences, and the scheduled Board meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.

A brief statement about your platform
It has been a true honor to serve as School Trustee. I humbly ask for the opportunity to continue supporting students, empowering parents and strengthening key partnerships that positively impact our diverse community.
During my second term, I will focus on the following key points:
Lead with Purpose: All students can reach their highest potential with the right support.
Empower Parents: Enhance parental engagement in our schools through teamwork and effective tools.
Strengthen Recognition with key Stakeholders: Encourage and support recognition of educators, support staff, administrators and local partners to develop stronger relationships for our educational system.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I am a visionary in exploring and developing innovative programming that supports student engagement, parental empowerment and community building. I am passionate about supporting all students to thrive in their educational journey.

Jason Stinson
Occupation: Currently garbage collector/ driver/ trainer.
Age: 40
775-445-9476 (email) (website)
Stinson Forcarson (on Facebook. )

Jason Stinson


Record of service:
My record of service is all civilian; I have been a trade worker my whole life, I have studied; E.M.T.; 911 Dispatch; Business communications; Business math; Auto repair ; Auto body; Auto shop management; Psychology; Sign language; Construction; Equipment Operator; Master joiner (pipe fitting); Electrical; Framing; Drywall; Plumbing; Masonry; Concrete; Training the trainer; Health and wellness; Some Spanish; And a lot of first hand parenting as a father of 6 girls.

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
To hire and annually evaluate the superintendent, approve the budget; Review and pass approved curriculum; And most importantly, communicate with the parents, children and teachers then discuss their issues with the other Trustees and superintendent. Listen to what the community wants for the children and teachers in the schools.

A brief statement about your platform
What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I'm a hardworking father of 6 girls, I never quit or back down from anything especially things that are immoral! I love this community and love helping others! I'm a great listener and very dependable father, husband, son and friend. I want to see every child succeed in life and will strive to make sure no child is left behind. I want to ensure no CTR ever enters our schools and remove all sexual orientation training and gender identification training in Pre-K through 5th grade. I will push to ensure all children have the proper education and preparation for real life, and are prepared to enter the Nevada workforce, colleges or universities by graduation.
We need to re-evaluate our approach on education and focus on healthy curriculum for our children such as; Math, English, Science and the Constitution. We need to address the school choice and vouchers for parents to choose what they feel is best for their children's education needs. We must give the parents more control over their children's education. We must identify any teachers that are struggling and find ways to help them. Also we must protect all the children in our IEP program. Champion on our academic excellence and rebuild where we have fallen short. My goal is to help make Carson City schools ranked the highest in the state. Finally we must support the great teachers of our district and give new teachers a reason to come to Carson City, how do we do this? Reevaluate the teachers compensation packages, look at all frivolous spending and cut it off. Start funding programs that are more beneficial to the students, cut some red tape that is stopping teachers from really helping the children, and better opportunities for teachers to grow.


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