Primary Election 2022: Nevada State Senate District 17 - Republicans

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Dr. Robin Titus
Occupation: Medical Doctor
Age: 68

Dr. Robin Titus


 Record of service:
Assembly Republican Leader

Smith Valley High School, June 1972 (class of 12) Smith, Nevada
University of Nevada, Reno. Major: Chemical Engineering (2yrs.) Pre-Med (2yrs.), Bachelor of Science, May 1976
University of Nevada School of Medicine, Doctorate of Medicine, May 1981

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for:
Running for the State Senate to fight for sound conservative policy at the state government level and fight for our conservative and rural values.
A brief statement about your platform 
Defend Our Constitutional Liberties
Fight for Accessible and Affordable Quality Health Care; Fix Our Doctor and Nursing Shortage
Oppose Vaccine Mandates - Medical Care is Between a Patient and Their Provider
Stop the Governor and Government's Overreach; Promote Limited, Transparent, and Accountable Government
Stop Taxation and Liberal Inflation Policies
Support Nevada's Small Businesses and Main Streets
Keep Nevada's Business Friendly Environment; Grow Jobs and Wages
Support our Military and Veterans; Stand for the Flag
Teach Reading, Arithmetic, and Science – not Political Agendas
Empower and Listen to Parents, Ban Critical Race Theory, Support School Choice
Require Voter ID and Ban Universal Mail & Ballot Harvesting
Protect Rural Nevada’s Water Rights
Back the Blue; Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Communities

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position:
Dr. Robin Titus serves as the Assembly Republican Leader. Her great-grandfather came to Nevada in 1866, to try his hand at mining. In the 1880s, her family settled in Smith Valley. Dr. Titus completed undergrad at UNR and her doctorate at the University of Nevada School of Medicine. She returned to serve Lyon County as a family practice physician for 37 years including pre- and post-natal care delivering countless babies. In addition to serving her patients, she also served as Chief of Staff at the Lyon County Hospital and on the State Board of Medical Examiners. She is in her fourth term at the Legislature and is the Lyon County Health Officer. Dr. Titus enjoys skiing, hunting, fishing, hiking, wine tasting, gardening, and spending time with her family and grandkids. She is a longtime proud NRA member and CCW holder, avid early morning runner including ten marathon completions, instrument-rated pilot, and has climbed to Mt. Everest base camp and summited Mt. Whitney and Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Nevada has given her the opportunity to be a doctor, a conservative policy setter, and a small business owner. She has been ranked the most conservative member in the Legislature and is endorsed by the Senate Republican Caucus. Dr. Titus lives in Wellington with her husband, retired Lyon County Sheriff Allen Veil.

Jim Wheeler
Occupation: Retired CEO and Rancher
Age: 68
(775) 546-3471

Jim Wheeler


Record of service:
Current State Assemblyman, Dist. 39 which includes Douglas Storey and a portion of Lyon Counties. (10 years).
USAF, Vietnam era
Former Law enforcement

Education: Attended USC

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for:
As a State Senator you represent the people of your district in all things related to state law.

A brief statement about your platform 
I entered the political arena after my retirement from business because I kept seeing career politicians say one thing on the campaign trail and do another once elected.
I have always held to the belief that your representatives should hold to the values and beliefs of their constituents and as your representative in our district for the last 10 years I have always held to those beliefs. I pledge to continue that representation.
I am a true conservative that has received numerous awards and certificates from conservative agencies. Including being rated the top conservative in N. Nevada by NPRI. I am endorsed by law enforcement agencies such as LVMPPA, The Washoe County Sheriffs Assoc., PORAN and even Sherriff Dan Coverley of Douglas County.
I have also been endorsed by true conservative champions such as:
House Freedom Caucus Chairman, Congressman Andy Biggs.
US Senator and conservative champion Ted Cruz.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position:
Your Senator Should be responsive to his constituents, as I have tried to be as you Assemblymen. I even publish my personal cell phone number so that you can reach me directly.
It is not enough to just vote correctly; anyone can do that. As an advocate for your constituents, you must also be willing to fight for their rights and beliefs. I have proven many times over how hard I fight for you and will bring this same fighting spirit to the Senate. What almost never gets publicized is how many bad bills got changed or even killed behind the scenes. This is something I have become quite adept at.


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