Past Pages for November 2 to 4, 2022

Nevada Historical Society

Nevada Historical Society

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150 Years Ago

A runaway: Jim Bigler’s express team on the arrival of the passenger train from Reno became frightened and started at a lively rate around town. They tore down every street and ended up in front of the residence of A.C. Ellis and arrived unhurt.

140 Years Ago

Society notes: Mrs. Barrett, and charming daughters, gave a Halloween party. All kinds of games appropriate to the occasion were indulged in, and young people declared themselves better pleased than if they had been on the streets until midnight and taken down a dozen gates. The game of the evening was a large tub of water and apples placed in the tub. Each guest was requested to take an apple out with his or her teeth, then four prizes were offered for guessing of the number of seeds in the apple. Frist prize, a hand-painted jewel case for a lady, a hand painted shaving case for the gentlemen. The booby prizes were a large ring for the lady, an omen of marriage, and for the gentleman, a balloon whistle.

130 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Taber – The leading photographer of the Pacific Coast. No. 8, Montgomery Street, (Opp. Palace Hotel) Mezzottint Photographs. The latest and greatest achievement in photography. Life size crayon, $25 each. Views of the Pacific Coast scenery, from Alaska to Mexico.”

100 Years Ago

Silver Tea: The Parent-Teacher Association will give a “Silver Tea” at the Leisure Hour clubhouse. Pictures from the Florence Church Memorial Art Collection will be on exhibition; also, a display of drawings from the St. Louis schools. A silver donation is expected. Funds are to be used for music in the schools.”

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Visit the Nationally Famous Ship Bar. Skipper Walt at the Helm. It’s going to be a great day aboard. Sea-faring souls and landlubbers alike will toast the good ship of state on Nevada Day… Haul your anchor, mates, meet us on deck Nevada Day. Walt Travis, Bob Reilly, Ship Bar ‘Across from the Post Office.’”

30 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Yolanda Garcia-Tella, School Board Trustee – District 5… Every Carson City resident has a stake in our schools’ success. New business will come to our city only if we have a strong work force, the product of a strong school system. Successful students with high self-esteem are less likely to experiment with drugs or gangs…”


150 Years Ago

Pass him around: Dr. M.A. Schlosser, the renowned surgeon-chiropodist and destroyer of corns, bunions and all diseases of the feet, left town on foot forgetting to pay his printing and hotel bill.

140 Years Ago

All sorts: The Presbyterian Church has been painted a yellowish color.

Duck hunting is reported good in the tule fields at the north end of Washoe Lake.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Mrs. Walter Chedic was delivered of a child on Monday night, a daughter, which died soon after it was born. Mrs. Chedic is doing as well as could be expected.

100 Years Ago

Children’s masquerade: A children’s masquerade will be held followed by an adult dance. Arrangements are being made by Mrs. B.W. Colean for the Episcopal Church, and the events are to be held at the Armory Hall the night before Thanksgiving.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Whist Party, Rebekah Lodge, Odd Fellows Hall, Friday, Nov. 7.”

30 Years Ago

First woman judge: District Judge Miriam Shearing carved out a close victory over District Judge Charles Thompson to be the first woman on the State Supreme Court in the 128-year history of Nevada.


150 Years Ago

Don’t know: In front of Lewis & Thorington’s saloon, we observed a man arranging for a bonfire. On close examination we found it to be Hank Monk. Supposing the fire was to signify political speaking, we at once inquired who the orator was to be, Monk replied slowly but distinctly, “Don’t know, nor don’t care. I’m only helping this thing along in order that the boys may have a little fun.”

140 Years Ago

All sorts: A girl in New York was fined $5 for kissing a preacher in public. Never kiss a preacher in public, select some nice quiet spot.

The electric light on the Bullion Bank corner was shut off because some of the parties decided not to pay for it.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The chrysanthemum and fan tea to have been given at Mrs. D.A. Benders has been postponed.

100 Years Ago

Contest: A second swimming contest will be held at Carson Hot Springs under the direction of Frank Roefer. A small admission charge of 25 cents will be made to pay expenses and for purchase of prizes: 20-yard dash for boy – (Children’s) Home team: Alec Wilson, Walter Wilson, Gary Taft. (Carson) Town team; Walter Hunting, Grant Bowen, Royal Crowell…

70 Years Ago

Photo caption: A victory sign is made by Dwight D. Eisenhower as he sits in a New York hotel suite with Mrs. Eisenhower after receiving wire from Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson, conceding defeat in the presidential election. Ike’s total vote was unprecedented. (International)

30 Years Ago

Mayor Marv: Teixeira got a run for his money as we won the office of Mayor against Rob McFadden.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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