Letters to the Editor for November 5, 2022

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Election coverage, forum coverage a great service

The League of Women Voters of Northern Nevada, AAUW Capital Branch, and Sierra Nevada Forums thank the Nevada Appeal for its sponsorship of our recent candidates/issue forums.

Your coverage before, during and after was a great service to the voters in our community. We especially appreciate the recordings you made of the events that are now on your YouTube channel. There, the voters who couldn't attend can see the candidates' responses to the important questions facing all of us.

We are fortunate to have such an excellent newspaper in our small city.

Nancy Scott

President LWVNN

Thank you for volunteers cleaning up after parade

Boy, was I impressed with the volunteers that were out cleaning the downtown, the day after the Nevada Day Parade. More impressive was to see one of our local politicians (Lisa Schutte) out there working her tail off picking up trash. Yes, I said a local politician working her tail off, picking up trash to clean downtown after the parade, with this great volunteer group. Now she is someone I would vote for, for Senate.

Sunni Enciso

Carson City

Behavior leaves a lasting impression

Thank you to all the volunteers who worked so hard to bring us all the wonderful activities on Nevada Day. I really enjoyed the parade, the Governor’s Mansion Tour and the USAF Mobility Band and Carson City Community Band.

I was highly disappointed in the sad display of poor behavior at the parade. Many of the dedicated people who risk a lot to run for public office were greeted with boos and crude, nasty shouted comments as a variety of political entries proceeded down the parade route.

It is amazing that adults once again need to be reminded that children and younger adults are absorbing the behavior of the adults around them, and the witnessing of such bad behavior leaves a lasting impression.

I did hear one dad very nicely applaud for a candidate and expound upon the candidate’s stand on a variety of issues. The teenaged son then said – oh so I should always vote for the candidate of that political affiliation. The dad then responded that, no – he should study each candidate’s stand on issues and vote for the candidate that best matches their own values. Thank you to that dad for expressing something as simple as good behavior.

Judy Larquier

Carson City

What are candidates going to do?

First, I’m going to thank Doreen Mack for saying something on Oct. 29 in this paper, that all of us have forgotten, including the current candidates.

For the last year or so I have heard nothing on media but what said candidates think of each other. I have not heard anything about what they intend to do for our nation or the state of Nevada.

Neither have they put anything of value in writing, signed their name to it, under notary in an open-ended contract.

Perhaps something of that nature is due to the voters of this country. Hopefully it would eliminate the time and money wasting, useless debates we are getting. That might replace the concentration on issues, if there really are any, outside of the current administration.

Also, hopefully, it might replace our current fascination with something else of value as, “money isn’t everything.” Until there is something different for us to rely on, I will continue to vote for “None of the Above” to make my point to all candidates and voters.

Good luck, America.

Pete Bachstadt

Carson City


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