The Oasis Academy College Prep Robotics class is, from left: Riley Pascale, Camille Frossard, Abraham Gutierrez, Troy Underwood, Clint Vaughn, An Nguyen, Lyly Daigh, Kaeden Waller and teacher Jake Lewis.
The Oasis Academy College Prep Robotics class is working on programming and designing its first robot. The class is taught by Mr. Jake Lewis. Robotics is a lab-based course that uses a hands-on approach to introduce the basic concepts of robotics, focusing on the construction and programming of autonomous mobile robots.
“Currently Troy Underwood and I are 3-D modeling and printing parts for the robot. We are coming up with the designs and any modifications that need to be made,” said sophomore An Nguyen.
The FTC Robotics Co., and REV Robotics provided the materials and some instructions necessary for the robot. It has helped develop the students' problem solving and creativity skills. The robot design itself came from scratch.
“The class is collectively building the robot. Coding and engineering the robot are also part of the process. Our end goal is for the robot to be competition ready for a high school robotics competition,” sophomore Kaeden Waller said.
Robotics at Oasis will become a four-year program for students to enroll.
Oasis students place at rodeo
Oasis students Clayton Hiibel, Colton Fait and Lauren Goings participated in the American Cowboy Team Roping Association National Finals Rodeo at the end of October in Reno. The students represented the Bighorns and Fallon well.
Hiibel placed fifth out of 1,024 teams and fourth in the competition. Fait and Hiibel both finished in the top 45 out of 727 teams and third during the competition.
The competition brings both youth and adults from all over the Western United States.
For a complete list of results visit
Open enrollment begins Dec. 1
Oasis Academy’s open enrollment period for the 2022-23 school year for grades kindergarten-12th begins Dec. 1 and goes through Feb. 23. The lottery for kindergarten and any other grades with known vacancies will be conducted on Feb. 24, at 9 a.m.
Please note: To be eligible for kindergarten your child must be 5 years old on or before the first day of school. All complete applications filed at the school during open enrollment will be eligible for lottery the entire school year of that application period.
In order to be eligible for the lottery, a complete application must be turned in annually during the established open enrollment period. The application and application process can be found at or call 775-423-5437 with any questions.