The undersigned will sell at Public sale by
competitive bidding on Friday the 16th
day of September, 2022 at 8:00 AM, with
bidding to take place on the
following liened property. iStorage, 3579
Highway 50 East Suite B, Carson City, NV,
89701 Carson City County Moore, Daniel
136 round wooden table and chair set, fan,
US Marine clock, stereo speakers, storage
bins, boxes, etc. Smith, Wesley 298 round
wooden table, bookshelves, tool boxes,
dresser, couch, KCup Coffee dispenser, wall
picture, fan, microwave, TV mount, boxes,
etc. Henderson, Alice 039 carpet cleaner,
bicycle, dresser, bookcases, lamps, step stool,
microwave, duffle bags, storage bins, boxes,
bags, etc. Purchases must be paid for at the
time of sales in cash only. All purchased
items are sold as is.
Pub Date: September 7, 14, 2022
Ad # 27462