Extension’s Herds & Harvest Program is offering a new series of classes for beginning livestock and poultry producers that will allow them to earn a Farm to Fork Level 1 Certification.
Photo by Steve Ranson.
The University of Nevada, Reno Extension’s Herds & Harvest Program is hosting a Farm to Fork Certification Program from 6-8 p.m., on Wednesdays, April 19–May 17.
The courses in this program will offer information for beginning farmers and ranchers on the process of livestock and poultry production, from raising livestock to selling the products on the market.
The program’s courses will be conducted via Zoom and will draw upon the knowledge and experience of established Nevada livestock and poultry producers and University experts. There will also be an in-person field trip touring local farms and ranches. Participants who complete the course will receive their Farm to Fork Level 1 Certification. Course topics include the following:
April 19: Overview of Farm to Fork for livestock production: focusing on jurisdictions and regulations existing in Nevada, livestock production for local consumption, developing a business plan, public and private land grazing, and identifying resources.
April 26: Livestock nutrition and reproduction: focusing on the basics of livestock nutrition, feed management, reproduction and characteristics of meat based on nutritional management.
May 3: Poultry nutrition and reproduction: focusing on the basics of poultry nutrition, feed management, reproduction and characteristics of meat based on nutritional management.
May 10: Defining grow local and developing marketing plans: focusing on developing a grow-local product, creating a marketing plan and how to sell a local product.
May 17: Farm financial management in the 21st century: focusing on financially building a farm, building business skills and assets, estate planning, and balance and cash flow basics. University students will provide financial analysis of different agricultural ventures.
Field trip dates announced upon registration: Field trips to tour local farms and ranches. Participants can choose which one of the two tours they wish to take, according to their location and interests.
The cost for the program is $60 per person, and registration may be completed online at https://BFRfarmtofork1.eventbrite.com .
For information, contact Staci Emm, Extension educator for Mineral County, at emms@unr.edu or 775-475-4227; Kaley Chapin, outreach specialist, at kaleys@unr.edu or 702-467-2668; or Jamie Lee, program officer, at jamielee1@unr.edu or 775-426-8299.