Letters to the Editor for April 8, 2023

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Protect Carson City’s wildlife

We live on Division Street, which has become a freeway since the downtown project started. Not saying I don’t like project, but with the project came more traffic on Division, Nevada, Curry and Minnesota streets.

First, I would like to thank all of you who do slow down and watch for people and animals as mating season approaches.

We have a window that looks out on Division, and as I am washing dishes I hear a car honking. I see that they are honking at the goose that is on the road. Now this driver is just honking and waiting, but another driver, coming from the other direction, decides he needs to do something about this goose. He drives his vehicle in front of the driver that has been honking and is trying to use his vehicle to push the goose out of the way. Good Lord! What on earth is this man thinking? He is trying to help the goose because he wouldn’t be using his vehicle to push it out of the road or would he?

With more and more of our open spaces leaving Carson City for more apartments and homes, wildlife really doesn’t have much of a chance to be anywhere but the road. I hope some of you will slow down and have a little love in your hearts for our wildlife. They are one of the many reasons we love living here. Also just remember someone is always watching and if it isn’t someone from a window or on the road it is someone from up above and you may have to answer for your actions one day.

Rhonda Glisson

Carson City

It takes a village

Today, especially with this past winter, public servants have had their emotions stretched to the limit. The public works, sheriff's, fire department along with the Post Office and other public agencies have experienced many complaints or calls requesting better service, mainly, in the Tahoe area. And, I too, am guilty of calling one agency and complaining this season. We cannot control Mother Nature, but we can attract more workers to our area by paying more and curbing the cost of living here.

Many positions here may not have been filled mainly because the cost of rents is off balance with the average pay scale in our area and the housing shortage. Many families would love to live and work here, however if a family cannot afford a place to live, they will move on.

And if snow removal workers or postal delivery workers are given more routes on top of their existing routes, they simply quit because they cannot handle any more exhausting work. And some of the equipment they use is outdated, hence more breakdowns.

Each neighborhood has to be responsible for clearing their own mailboxes, storm drains and fire hydrants and keeping their kids off the streets and out of tunnels in snow berms/banks so tragedies do not occur with city snow removal, or cleaning equipment. Clear all shopping carts, bicycles, and vehicles off the streets to help your city run more efficiently. It takes a village folks.

Ann Burke

Carson City