Get Healthy Carson City: National STI Awareness Week

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April 9-15 is National STI Awareness Week. Carson City Health and Human Services wants to remind you not to “roll the dice” on your sexual health by helping you prepare a safe-sex game plan based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Prepare Before You’re There” campaign.

CDC estimates that 1 in 5 Americans have a sexually-transmitted infection, and many may not know their diagnosis. Many STIs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can cause an infection but symptoms may not always be present. This number can range from 10% of men and 5-30% of women with chlamydia that may never present symptoms. While young people aged 15-24 are at higher risk of contracting an STI, with over half of new diagnoses being among this population in 2018, anyone of any age can contract an STI. CCHHS wants to remind you that sexual health is not a one size fits all approach, and it is important to come up with a plan before “passing go.”


Being open and honest with any current or new partners about your sexual health expectations and history is crucial in reducing your risk of an STI. Step 1 in this program is to take a quick 6 question quiz to evaluate your risk. Read these questions below and answer yes or no:

Have you had any kind of sex without a condom in the past 12 months?

Have you previously had an STI?

Have any of your sexual partners tested positive for an STI?

Have you or your sexual partner(s) used illicit substances?

Have you exchanged sex for money, housing, drugs, etc., in the past 12 months?

Have any of your sexual partners within the last 12 months had sex with someone else while they were still in a sexual relationship with you?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may be at risk for an STI. You may want to talk with a provider to determine if you need any testing as your next step. Even if you answered “no” to these questions, it is always a good plan to stay informed and take action to prevent an STI in the future.


CCHHS wants to empower the community to take control of their sexual health. The Clinic at CCHHS provides options for contraceptive methods such as condoms and birth control, discrete testing services, and treatment if necessary. Safe sex kits are also offered at the clinic and include condoms which should be worn every time you have sex, from start to finish. By being intentional and taking steps to ensure your best sexual health, you can have peace of mind before you play. And consider that April choices may determine May diagnoses.

If you are considering testing, please drop by for Walk-In-Wednesday today from 1-3 p.m. at our clinic on 900 E. Long St.

If you are not able to make Walk-In-Wednesday and are looking for information, visit or call our clinic at 775-887-2195 to find appointment availability.

For additional resources and information about healthy decisions or programs and services offered by Carson City Health and Human Services, check out our website at, follow us on Twitter @CCHealthEd, “Like” us on Facebook at, follow us Instagram @gethealthycarsoncity, call us at 775-887-2190, or visit us at 900 E. Long St., in Carson City.


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