On behalf of the Nevada Senate, State Sen. Dr. Robin Titus extended an open invitation to the students from High Desert Grange to tour the legislative building during the 82nd Legislative Session.
High Desert Grange in Churchill County accepted the invitation and on April 11 they were accompanied by youths from Western Nevada Grange in Carson City and Battle Born Stockton Well Grange in Silver Springs for a morning at the Legislature. Titus’ invitation provided Grangers and their chaperones with the opportunity to experience the legislative process.
Legislation is a key component of the mission of the National Grange of the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry. Gaining an understanding of how our state government functions opens the doors for youth to investigate this pillar of the National Grange organization.
Touring the legislative building with their docent Woody gave Grangers and their chaperones the chance to not only gain an understanding of how a bill becomes a law, it also gave them a glimpse into the history of Nevada, Carson City and, in particular, into how the state government was born. Woody provided personal anecdotes, historical perspectives and little-known facts about how and why our state and its government operates as it does.
In addition to learning about the creation and passage of bills, youth were shown how committees work. One of the most impressive discoveries of the tour was the fact that anyone can bring an idea before a legislator and if the legislator believes the idea has merit, that idea can eventually become a bill and, if passed, become a law as was evidenced by students in the Las Vegas area who approached one of the legislators about naming the Vivid Dancer Damselfly the state insect.
Committee hearings are open to everyone and some Grangers have decided to attend a committee hearing to get first-hand experience in the life of a bill. Taking valuable time from her intense schedule, Titus held a meet and greet with everyone.
The senator is an excellent listener and spoke with each student about their projects, sharing her experiences as well. All Grangers, youth and adult, agreed that their day at the Legislature was an educational experience they would like to repeat.