Genoa Town Church Foundation Project
1. Separate sealed bids will be received by the Town of Genoa
care of Project Manager, Genoa Town Manager David Qualls,
for work as set forth in the Bid Documents for the Genoa Town
Church Foundation Project. The bids shall be received on or
before 2:00 pm, May 15, 2023 at the Town of Genoa Office, 2289
Main St, Genoa, NV 89411. Bids will be subsequently opened
and read aloud at 2:01 at the Town of Genoa Office, 2289 Main
St. Genoa, NV 89411. The apparent successful low bidder will
be announced at the bid opening on May 15, 2023, followed by
a thorough review by the town to ensure bid as responsive and
responsible. The town manager will make a recommendation
for award to the Genoa Town Advisory Board at their scheduled
meeting held on June 7, 2023.
2. The scheduled work for the Genoa Town Church Foundation
Project is located at 182 Nixon St, Genoa, NV 89411. The project
consists of constructing a concrete and block foundation with
concrete footings under the Church. The estimate for this work is
3. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a bid security
in the form of a Certified or Cashier’s Check, or Bid Bond,
in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid.
4. Bid Documents may be found online at www.douglascountynv.
gov under the Bid Posting and RFP’s tab.
5. Copies of the Bid Documents will be available starting at 8:00 am
April 24, 2023 & may be obtained at the Douglas County Website
for free.
The minimum licensing requirement is set forth by the Nevada
State Contractors Board, the contractor must be capable of being
bonded for this project. Contractors may register their intent to
submit a bid by sending an email to David Qualls, Project Manager
at Genoa Town Church Foundation
Project. The Registration as a digital subscriber is necessary
to receive notifications via email to the project from the Owners
website where all documents and addenda will be posted. This
project is Federally Funded.
6. Town of Genoa Contact: David Qualls, Town Manager, Phone:
7. The Prevailing Wage Rate as established by the State Labor
Commission shall be paid on projects with a contract price of
$100,000 or more.
8. No Prebid conference will be held.
9. The project will not require permits prior for construction.
Dated: April 18, 2023
Town of Genoa By: __/s/________________________________
David Qualls, Genoa Town Manager
Pub Date: April 26, May 3, 2023 Ad # 32970