From left, Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo, RISE Director Frances Hopkins, Carlene Pacheco, Nevada Superintendent of Public Instruction Jhone Ebert and Fallon Mayor Ken Tedford.
Sara Dowling/LVN
Carlene Pacheco, a paraprofessional, Title VI liaison and family service specialist at Churchill County High School, has been honored with the 2023 Recognizing Inspiring School Employees (RISE) award.
The announcement was top secret to all but a few in the district until the official ceremony Tuesday afternoon during what appeared at first to be a regular school assembly.
The lights in the crowded Churchill County High School gym were turned off as distinguished guests, staff, students, family and friends watched U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona talk about the RISE award on a giant screen via a previously recorded YouTube video.
Just as he was about to announce the winner’s name the video was paused, the lights came back on and one suspenseful moment later he said “Carlene Pacheco.” Screams and applause echoed off of the gym walls as a teary Pacheco made her way to the front of the room.
The video announcement said, in part, “A graduate of Churchill County High School herself, Miss Pacheco came home to serve. In her time with the district Miss Pacheco improved graduation rates for Native American students and provided one-on-one tutoring and intensive classroom support.
“She also served on the Indian Education Advisory Committee, celebrating and uplifting Native cultures while ensuring all students could reach their full potential.
“Miss Pacheco has worked tirelessly to eliminate dropout rates in her Native community and to help all students thrive. She’s a shining example of the profound impact that education support professionals have on our young people.”
Pacheco received the RISE trophy from Nevada Superintendent of Public Instruction Jhone Ebert and RISE Director Frances Hopkins who quoted Robert Ingersoll, “We rise by lifting others.”
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribal Chairwoman Cathi Tuni placed a traditionally-beaded necklace made by a local tribal member around Pacheco's neck. The vibrant purple, pink and yellow color combination represent her honorable contributions to education and her encouragement of the tribal youth to excel.
“On behalf of our state, I’d like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Carlene Pacheco for this well-deserved recognition,” Gov. Joe Lombardo said. “Carlene’s unwavering passion, expertise, and dedication make her a true role model for all education professionals in Nevada and a valuable asset to our education system.”
Churchill County School District Superintendent Summer Stephens acted as emcee and gave Pacheco a large bouquet of flowers during the ceremony she had helped to discreetly organize.
“I’m just extremely proud of Carlene and all the support she gives kids, the support she gives her colleagues and all the time and effort,” Stephens said. “She's here for the kids.”
Fallon Mayor Ken Tedford, school Trustees Tricia Strasdin, Matt Hyde, Joe McFadden and Gregg Malkovich, and members of Pacheco’s family also attended the presentation.
Ebert later said of Pacheco via Twitter, “You are more than inspiring, you are a credit to your school, our state and the nation! It was an honor to celebrate you today!”