Carson City legal - 35823

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Sandra G. Lawrence

NV BAR NO. 2737

Dyer Lawrence. LLP

2805 Mountain Street

Carson City, Nevada 89703

(775) 885-1896

In the Matter of the Deed Upon Death of



Notice is hereby given that the undersigned

is the beneficiary under a Deed Upon Death

executed by JYTTE ANDERSEN, Grantor,

on February 18, 2020, and recorded as

Document No. 503426 with the Carson City

Recorder. The Grantor died on July 4, 2023.

The Grantor had a date of birth of February

3, 1942. A creditor having a claim against the

Grantor, or her estate must file a claim with

the undersigned at the address given below

within 90 days after the first publication or

receipt as the case may be of this notice.

Dated: August 1, 2023

Beneficiary: Stuart Faulkner

Send claims to: Stuart Faulkner

C/O Dyer Lawrence LLP

2805 Mountain Street

Carson City, NV 89703

DATED: August 1, 2023

By: __/s/__________________

Sandra G. Lawrence, Esq.

Pub Date: August 5, 12, 19, 2023

Ad # 35823


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