The annual Jim Regan Memorial Golf Tournament is set for Sept. 23 at the Fallon Golf Course.
Team registration for the four-person scramble format is open and sponsorships and donations are being accepted. Go to: to sign-up to play or become a sponsor or contact Pam Moore at 775-666-0588 or 775-423-4092.
The tournament’s shotgun start is scheduled for 9 a.m. Entry includes 18 holes with cart, lunch, contests and snacks and beverages. Prizes awarded for team scores, longest drive, and closest to the hole.
Online registration and fees are due Sept. 7. You may also drop off the paper registration and your entry fees with Moore in the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office, 155 N. Taylor St., in Fallon. Make checks payable to “Churchill County Golf.”
The annual tournament, named after former County Commissioner Jim Regan, serves as a fundraiser for the Jim Regan Memorial Scholarship Fund which supports academic scholarships for general county employees or their children. Funds raised from the golf tournament will be allocated in scholarships awarded in spring 2024.