Fallon Rotary Club members prepare breakfast one year ago on Labor Day. The annual breakfast next to the Churchill County Library is Monday beginning at 7 a.m.
Photo by Steve Ranson.
After Sunday’s closing of the Fallon Cantaloupe Festival, Churchill County residents have another busy weekend ahead of them with Labor Day activities traditionally signaling the unofficial end of summer.
Although autumn is only a few weeks away, Labor Day serves as the end of summer activities.
The annual Fallon Rotary Club breakfast and Lions Club Labor Day parade are set for Monday, which is a holiday for many businesses. Government offices will be closed, and garbage pickup is Tuesday.
Rotary member Lane Mills said the breakfast has been a longtime tradition.
“It’s a tradition we keep alive,” Mills said. “People can meet candidates and their elected officials in a relaxed atmosphere.”
Politicians running for local or state and federal offices have previously stopped by to grab some breakfast. Since this is a nonelection year, office holders and those seeking or thinking about throwing their hat into the ring could be attending the breakfast.
If a candidate isn’t there, then your neighbor may be.
“It’s great to see your neighbors and talk to them,” Mills added.
The breakfast, which is held in the lot next to the Churchill County Library on South Maine Street, is from 7-10 a.m. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Local Boy Scouts from Troop 1776 will volunteer their time to help with the breakfast.
Support Rotary scholarships with all-you-can-eat pancakes, eggs, sausage, fresh fruit, coffee and milk. The city of Fallon has also contributed to the Rotary Club to allow children 12-and-under to eat for free. The cost is $10 for adults.
The 53rd annual Fallon Junior Rodeo Top 10 Finals is also Labor Day morning beginning at 8 a.m. The junior rodeo is Friday through Labor Day at the Fairview Arena adjacent to the Rafter 3C Arena. A queen contest begins the weekend on Friday at 6 p.m. at the arena.
The event brings together competitors from Nevada and surrounding states.
This junior rodeo includes team roping, barrel racing, steer roping, calf roping, and mutton busting. The Fallon Junior Rodeo will feature competitors ages 18 and under. This event is free and open to the public.
Registrations had to be notarized and postmarked no later than Aug. 23. Divisions include Senior Girls and Senior Boys, ages 14-18; Intermediate Girls and Intermediate Boys, ages 10-13; and Junior Girls and Junior Boys, ages 6-9
Pee Wee events are for those youngsters 5 years of age and younger. Events are dummy roping, stick horse barrel racing, goat undecorating, mutton busting and stick hose figure 8.
“We are excited to host the Fallon Junior Rodeo with 200 competitors vying for top prizes in various competitions,” said Jennifur Peek, organizer of the Fallon Junior Rodeo and secretary for Peek Brothers Construction. “This event is a great opportunity to celebrate not only Fallon tradition, but Nevada culture when it comes to our deep roots in the rodeo community.”
For information, call Peek at 775-302-6792.
Every year a Labor Day parade begins Monday at 10 a.m. on Taylor Street at the middle school and moves north to A Street, east on A Street to Ada Street, south on Ada Street to Williams Avenue, east on Williams Avenue to Maine Street, and then south on Maine Street to the middle school.
The Fallon Police Department stated in a media release, the restricted parade area will be closed for about two hours.
Announcer booths will be positioned at various locations along the parade route. Awards will be given in the following categories: President’s Award, Best Use of Theme, Most Creative, Best Youth Group, Best Civic Group, Best Business Entry, Best Mounted Individual, Best Mounted Group, Best Antique Farm implement and Best Automotive entry.