FFA members include Mandy Wadsworth, Jenna Whitaker, Sadie Whitaker, Annie Sorensen, Kinsley Viera, Bailey Peixoto, Hannah Hammontree, Autumn Zupancic, Payslee, Avery Laca, Kenslee Wiessmer, Kiley Detomasi, Gabriel Houyoux, Christian Benham, Paloma De Leon, Keily Uglade, Jocelyn Sorensen, Keagan Craig, Reese Evans and Trace McKnight.
Provided to the LVN
Graduating senior Andrew Catlin found his future career during his time at Oasis. He will graduate in May with his high school diploma and Associate of Applied Science degree in welding.
“After graduation I plan to join the workforce and use my welding education,” Catlin said. “The welding classes I took were by far the most fun and educational.”
Catlin started at Oasis in fourth grade and his advice for future students goes along with his experience at school.
“Overall, my time at Oasis has been very meaningful in both the connections and friendships I have made,” he said. “And that’s my advice for future students, enjoy the time you have and cherish the friendships that you make along the way.”
Catlin has one specific memory that sticks out in his four years.
“My favorite memory is when Mr. Evan Brandt and Gabe collided into the volleyball net at the student versus staff game during homecoming my sophomore year,” he laughed.
Catlin has two mentors he would like to thank, Mr. Eric Grimes and Mr. Andy Lenon.
“I’d like to thank Mr. Grimes for always being there for me and Mr. Lenon for always being hype and keeping everyone motivated,” he said.
Catlin played both lacrosse and golf for the Bighorns during high school and will continue with lacrosse this spring.
The seventh and eighth grade basketball teams finished their seasons at a tournament in Lovelock on Dec. 6.
The teams each lost in the first round of the tournament however, both went home with the Sagebrush League’s sportsmanship awards.
The sportsmanship awards are voted on by the teams and are given to the teams that exhibit fairness, respect, and consideration to their competitors throughout the season.
“It was a great way to end the season,” Clayton Hiibel said. “We worked hard all season and as a team and to end with an award was nice.”
“This was a really enjoyable and rewarding season,” coach David Springfield said. “We had the highest turnout of players in years, and all of us coaches are so proud of the work that each of them put into improving individually and as a team.”
Springfield agreed that the sportsmanship awards were earned by the teams.
“The sportsmanship awards are fitting awards for these players — they all demonstrated a high level of respect for the game and for their opponents,” he said.
Service is part of what makes FFA such an impactful and important organization for student involvement. Oasis Middle School FFA students created a service project for the holiday season by collecting donations to fill the Fallon Chamber of Commerce Karma Boxes with personal care kits.
Students collected hygiene products such as soaps, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and more to put in packets along with granola bars and other snacks.
The class delivered the kits to the Chamber of Commerce during class.
"It was my hope with this project that I could help my students live into the FFA mission of developing personal growth by serving others,” said Jenna Whitaker, Oasis Middle School FFA adviser. “I am proud of their willingness to participate and grateful for their service to others in this community, especially during this Christmas season."