Carson City legal - 31023

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You are hereby notified that the Carson City Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings on Thursday, February 16, 2023, regarding the items noted below. The meeting will commence at 8:30 AM. The meeting will be held in the Carson City Community Center, Robert “Bob” Crowell Board Room, 851 East William Street, Carson City, Nevada

For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request from Julian and Joanna Smith, trustees of the Smith Trust 9/12/2011 (“Applicant”) for a Historic Tax Deferment on property zoned Downtown Mixed-Use (“DT-MU”), located at 204 W. Spear Street, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 003- 222-04. (Heather Ferris, 

Staff Summary: The subject property is eligible for the Open Space Use Assessment, commonly known as the Historic Tax Deferment, as a result of its conformance to specific standards and its historical status in Carson City. There has been a change in ownership, and the owner is seeking to continue receiving the Historic Tax Deferment. 

Pub Date: February 4, 2023 Ad # 31023