Bighorn news: Kindergarten classes learn about habitats

From left: Brynlee Bryant, Eveana Tapia Santos and Rebecca Doll.

From left: Brynlee Bryant, Eveana Tapia Santos and Rebecca Doll.
Provided to the LVN

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Oasis Kindergarten classes showed off their knowledge of habitats to families. The students paired up and were tasked with learning about one of three habitats: the ocean, the desert, or the forest.

The assignment included learning about the plants and animals that reside in their habitat and then building a diorama of the habitat. Students also chose animals from their habitat and wrote an informative paper on what the animal needs to survive and what makes them unique to that habitat.

“Our habitat was the ocean and our coral reef had everything in it,” said teacher Janet Renfroe. “Our animal was the sea star. The sea star can stick on a rock because he has long arms and eats clams and oysters. I loved all of the jewels in our project.”

“Students loved learning about the different habitats and the animals and plants that resided in them. Everyone worked so hard on this project, and it was amazing to see the giant turn out we had for the presentations from families and people within our community.”

Mrs. Michel Horn said the students showed off their creativity and put together amazing dioramas.

“They were excited to share their learning with their families and loved the whole process,” she said.

Mrs. Katie Maloney was very positive about the student’s learning.

“Our class had such a great time learning about the different plants and animals that could survive in the desert,” she said. “They found it fascinating that they could survive under such harsh temperatures and thrive on such little water or resources. The animals in the desert are tough! Showing off the habitats to our families was the highlight of 2023 so far.”

Fundraising dinner on April 21

The City of Fallon is again this year the premier sponsor for the fifth annual Oasis Academy Future Fest on April 21. This year’s dinner will be catered by The Slanted Porch and includes live and silent auctions as well as raffles.

Other sponsors and donors include CC Communications, Tedford Tire, A&K Earth Movers, the W.C.W. Corp., Hiskett & Sons, Night in the Country, Moana Nursery, the Atlantis, Harveys Lake Tahoe, Johnny’s Restaurante, Harbor Freight, Kimmie’s Candy Company, Animal Ark and more.

Funds raised from this year’s dinner will go toward the purchase of vans for co-curricular activities such as athletics, FFA, Student Council, and Honor Society to use for transportation.

“If you live in Fallon and have ever participated in any type of event or activity that involves young people, you know that there is no greater supporter of young people than the City of Fallon. Their support is incredibly meaningful,” said Oasis CEO Melissa Mackedon.

Chief Academic Officer Rochelle Tisdale said Oasis appreciates the community’s investment in the academy’s programs.

“This is always a fun night and a great way to support our students and activities,” she said.

For tickets to the dinner or for donor or sponsorship information contact Angela Viera at or 775-742-0506.

Opportunities through education

By Hunter McNabb

Did you know Oasis students have the opportunity to get a head start on their post-secondary education? Oasis’ partnership with Western Nevada College’s Jump Start education program has enabled students to earn college credit while getting real world experience in state-of-the-art facilities.

As a public charter school, Oasis Academy has the opportunity to foster the education of a diverse and inclusive student body. Every student has the opportunity to earn college credit regardless of their financial status or situation.

Hence, the Jump Start program has enabled many first-generation college students to earn the first college credits in their family, and open up opportunities for them unavailable to most students their age.

Junior Amora Routt has especially appreciated the Jump Start program. She has attended Oasis Academy since middle school and has been earning transferable college credits since her freshman year of high school.

“I appreciate having the opportunity to be in Jump Start. It helps set me up for the future and helps me afford my future degree in psychology,” she said.

Oasis students have enjoyed an engaging and unique experience at WNC, and look forward to continuing their partnership with the college. To learn more about the WNC Jump Start Program and its partnership with Northern Nevada high schools, contact Oasis Academic adviser Lisa Swan at or 775-423-5437.


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