A packed planning commission meeting in September 2022 for the Andersen Ranch West project.
Photo by Scott Neuffer.
The future of Carson City zoning and planning will be brought into focus during a joint work session between the Carson City Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission on March 3.
The meeting starts at 8:15 a.m. and will be held in the Nugget Hall of Western Nevada College, 2201 W. College Parkway.
Officials will first mull over Title 17 of city code, which deals with land division and subdivision. Specifically, they’ll be looking at 17.09 and 17.10, which govern planned unit developments and common open space developments, respectively. The goal is to decide if future modifications to the code are necessary.
Presently, in a planned unit development, 30 percent of a project’s gross land area must be set aside for open space, with no more than 25 percent of that as private, according to documents released for the meeting. Common open space developments, on the other hand, require 250 square feet of open space per dwelling, which can be private or common space.
The joint boards will also review an overhaul of Title 18 recently undertaken by the District Attorney’s Office. Title 18 deals with zoning. The DA’s office has provided more than 200 pages of proposed updated chapters and sections, which can be viewed online: https://www.carson.org/home/showpublisheddocument/84072.
Assistant DA Dan Yu previously told the Appeal the DA’s office sought to simplify and streamline city code and do away with redundancies and overlap. Current updates show deletions, new sections, amendments and clarifications related to special use permits, variances and Master Plan amendments, among several other items. The update also includes tables of permitted uses within zoning districts.
Lastly, the Board of Supervisors will reconvene for their own work session. According to the agenda, the only item supervisors will consider is discussion and possible action regarding “an overview of the operation and status of non-transient lodging and transient lodging, including hotel/motels, located in Carson City.”