Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.
150 Years Ago
Took a turn: Honorable Senator McBeth and Uncle Bill Leet went up to the valley and were feasted by Jim Haynes. Shortly after their turkey dinner, they found themselves in the midst of a surprise partly composed of thirty of the fair and their escorts who had assembled from the neighborhood around. They tripped the light fantastic until 3 o’clock in the morning.
140 Years Ago
In brief: Mrs. Bowers, the seeress, is in San Francisco.
At the “Greenaway” party all the gentlemen will be furnished with exquisite, buttonholed bouquets. Hall & Meder’s excellent full band will be on hand.
130 Years Ago
Deputy postmaster: Miss Lizzie Murphy has been appointed deputy postmaster of the Carson Post office. Her experience in the office qualifies her for the position.
110 Years Ago
Thawing mains: The water company is now using an electric thawer for thawing the street mains frozen by the severe cold snap. Wires are placed on ends of pipes for 300 feet, and a few minutes after the juice is turned on the ice is melted to permit water to flow. (Enterprise)
70 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Bell Telephone of Nevada: Ways to be a friendly telephone neighbor — if you have a party line, try not to tie up the lines with lengthy conversations. Always be sure you hang up properly after calling. If you have an emergency, take a call break.”
30 Years Ago
Photo caption: The Princess of Walves waves to the crowd during her visit to the Waltham Forest Asian Centre at Walthamstow in east London. The princess turned to a persistent freelance photographer who had been carried away by her detectives, and told them, “Please, please. Will you leave me alone?”
150 Years Ago
Shooting — The Orphan’s Home has been several times the mark (unintentionally, we presume) of bullet from Chinatown. The assistant matron of that institution ran imminent risk of her life on one occasion from a bullet that struck the broom which she had left but a moment before by the window. If some one of our executive officers to whom this duty belongs, should walk down there and have a talk with the heathens, we presume that there would never occur any ground of complaint.
140 Years Ago
A report was in circulation yesterday that “Buck” Murphy, a young man not unknown to “fame” in this community, had early in the morning, gone shot gunning for Lyman Frisbie, because the latter had an hour or so before slapped his face for applying a vile remark to him. The men did not meet, however, and the gun remains undischarged.
120 Years Ago
Aaron D. Treadway, one of the real pioneers of this city and coast died at his home at the Treadway ranch last evening. Mr. Treadway came to this section with the first settlers and took up the ground that is now known as Treadway’s Park. People by the thousands have enjoyed the grassy lawns and shade that his trees furnished the people from the hustling town on the big silver lode. Everyone blessed the day that he planted trees in this valley.
80 Years Ago
William Edward Dunfield died at his home in Carson about 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, following illness of several months. Dunfield was born in Deliot, Kansas and had been a resident of Carson City for five years.
40 Years Ago
A bill to abolish insanity as a defense against criminal charges was introduced Tuesday in the Nevada Assembly.
20 Years Ago
The historic six-ton coin press at the Nevada State Museum was brought to life Friday to mint a new medallion celebrating 100 years since the founding of Goldfield — once Nevada’s largest city.
150 Years Ago
Something wanting — To one who sits from day to day in either of our legislative chambers, the sigh of the blank, cold walls surrounding him becomes monotonous and at last oppressive, and the only object that he can turn his eyes upon for relief, is an engraving on the west wall, of an Insane Asylum! A few historic pictures would change the forbidding aspect of the surroundings…
140 Years Ago
The chronic scandal mongers and small talk gossipers got a lively rattle in the sermon delivered at the Episcopal Church on Sunday evening.
120 Years Ago
This section of Nevada is having pretty good run-on storms. Another snowstorm set in last evening and from the condition of the barometer, it is safe to predict a good fall. As the wind came up the canyons have been packed full and the water supply for next summer is absolutely assured.
80 Years Ago
Senate Bill 1, introduced by senator Tallman, Republican floor leader, passed the upper house this afternoon. It fixes the legislative fund at $40,000, which, if concurred in by the assembly, practically automatically limits the session to 40 days.
40 Years Ago
Nevadans felt little impact from the Independent Truckers strike Monday and early Tuesday the second and third days of the strike, but strike leaders said it is too early to determine effects.
20 Years Ago
Carson City’s bridge club had five potential places to relocate by Friday afternoon thanks to the quick work of city officials and local businesspeople. The club was denied a request by the regional planning commission to remain in an industrial location.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.