Carson City closes parks and trails due to poor conditions

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All unpaved trails through the Carson River corridor are closed due to wet and muddy conditions, according to a Carson City news release Friday morning.

Saturated and muddy trails are fragile and susceptible to damage under extreme precipitation, and the costs to repair are significant, the release said. Avoid the Carson River and the surrounding floodplain. Rising water levels and increased flow rates can create hazardous conditions and unstable banks.

Carson City Parks and Public Works crews are working to mitigate flood-prone areas. Please be mindful of crews working as they continue to clear drains and street gutters to keep the storm drain system working as efficiently as possible.

The following parks, trails, and open spaces will be closed until further notice:

• Ambrose Carson River Natural Area

• Carson River Park

• Empire Ranch Trailhead

• Fuji Park (Exhibit Hall open for current reservations)

Bailey’s Pond

Dog Park


• Governors Field (Indoor facility open for league use)

• Hidden Meadows

• JohnD Winters Centennial Park

• Linear Ditch Pathways

• Lone Mountain Cemetery

• Moffat Open Space

• Morgan Mill River Access

• Pete Livermore Sports Complex

• Prison Hill Trailheads – 5th Street, Koontz, Clearview

• Prison Hill OHV Area

• Rifle and Pistol Range

• Riverview Park

• Silver Saddle Ranch

For information on parks/trail closures, visit

To report any parks related safety concerns, call 775-887-2262.