Pictured, from left, are Jake Nichols, Melissa Mackedon, Rochelle Tisdale and Tinlee Tanberg.
Provided to the LVN
Life skills class tours Gemini
The Oasis Life Skills class toured the Gemini facility on March 13. Tyler Blakemore showed students the process of making acrylic and metal signs. This included demonstrating how the signs are cut with lasers, the attention to detail needed to check the quality of the cut signs, how the signs are painted in a special room, and then how the signs are shipped to customers.
Students also were able to add tape to their personal signs Blakemore had cut for them.
“Gemini is such a wonderful company,” said Melissa Mackedon, Oasis CEO. “They set such a great example for how companies can give back to communities. We cannot thank them enough.”
Pi Day
Students created pi-themed poems, ate pie and pied the principals on March 14 to celebrate Pi Day (3.14).
According to piday.org, “Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. Pi Day is an annual opportunity for math enthusiasts to recite the infinite digits of Pi, talk to their friends about math, and eat pie.”
“This is a fun tradition at Oasis Academy,” added Rochelle Tisdale, CAO. “The students are very clever and it’s so hard to choose winners.”
Communication, opportunity and ASL
A poetic combination of symbolism, communication, and motor skills have been enabling students to better serve their communities. Through the Western Nevada College American Sign Language Program, Oasis High Schoolers have worked to understand a new language while improving interpersonal skills and professional communication.
Co-curricular programs and advising, allow students to take up to four ASL classes in two semesters. These programs help high school students retain advanced communication skills within the semester, while learning how to serve underrepresented communities.
The program not only offers excellent skill development but also gives students a chance to explore different career prospects with the addition of a second language.
“Overall, I will admit learning any language is hard, especially when we're trying to do it in eight weeks online,” said Natalie Jacques, a current student in the program.
But there is plenty of support for students from in-person tutors at the Fallon Campus, to video calls with Mrs. Margaret Craig. ASL is a beautiful language!”
The ASL classes are available for upperclassmen and community members alike. To learn more about the program contact Oasis Academy at 775-423-5437 or Western Nevada College at WNC.edu.
— Hunter McNabb
Senior Spotlight: Dakota Sasser
When asked about his favorite class at Oasis, senior Dakota Sasser has an easy answer, welding.
“Welding has taught me skills that I can use in life and continue to make a living with,” Sasser said.
“WNC welding instructor Jorgen Jeppesen has been a mentor that has taught me a lot. He’s taught me useful welding skills and was truthful about life in general,” he added.
Sasser started at Oasis in second grade.
“My time at Oasis has had its ups and downs, just like anyone would with any school. But Oasis kept me grounded,” the senior said.
When he isn’t working on academics Sasser has kept busy in other activities. He has participated in the Oasis Archery program since seventh grade and is active in drag race. He started drag racing in 2015 in a junior dragster and then last year made the switch to drag racing motorcycles at Top Gun Dragstrip.
“My advice for future students is to get used to not sleeping for days at a time,” Sasser said.
Sasser will graduate in May with his high school diploma as well as his Associate of Applied Science in Welding from Western Nevada College. He will also be testing for welding certifications at the end of the semester.