Thought exchange open until Wednesday

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Churchill County School District has launched a ThoughtExchange at as part of the 2023-2024 budget process.

The exchange will be open until March 29 at 10 p.m. Users may return to write new comments and rate other suggestions until the deadline.

All families and students in Grades 4-12 can use this service to anonymously share their thoughts on budget priorities for next school year. Students may need adult assistance to complete the survey.

Budget suggestions for staffing, curriculum, instruction, facilities, school safety and other important topics are welcome. Users should each rate at least 20 other suggestions to help the district understand what is collectively important to the stakeholders.

Ideas collected through the exchange will be shared with the CCSD Budget Advisory Committee as well as the Board of Trustees.

Comments and suggestions unrelated to budget priorities will be removed from the exchange, but will be saved and shared with district leadership for informational purposes.

The district's budget policy requires that the budget be allocated to the strategic planning themes as well as the goals of the building performance plans which include improved achievement and development of the whole child.