Lowry’s Jack DeLong hits a shot during a Northern 3A tournament in Winnemucca on April 17
Photo by Tony Erquiaga.
The Lowry High School boys golf team was back on the course on Monday, April 24, in Spring Creek and Tuesday, April 25 in Elko, as the regular season in the Northern 3A is nearing an end.
Lowry finishes sixth at Spring Creek
At Spring Creek Golf Course on April 24, Lowry finished sixth in the team standings at 388. Elko and Truckee both shot 351 to tie for first place. Fernley (359), Spring Creek (380) and Churchill County (383) rounded out the top five.
South Tahoe (392), North Valley’s (409) and Dayton at 422 completed the team standings.
Elko’s Scott Hutnyak was the low medalist at 82 and Lowry’s Landon Esquivel and Fernley’s Jacob Holmes each shot 85.
There were three rounds of 86 on the day including Will Marma of Elko and Truckee’s Luke Brown and Drew Drollinger.
Rounding out the scores for the Buckaroos was AJ Mendoza at 97 and Jack DeLong and Wade Mori at 102 and 104, respectively.
Lowry places fourth in Elko
The Northern 3A moved to Ruby View Golf Course on April 25, with Lowry placing fourth at 363. Elko and Fernley each shot 326, to tie for the top spot.
Truckee finished third at 339 and Churchill County (370) was fifth. Spring Creek (373), North Valleys (377), South Tahoe (383) and Dayton (417) rounded out the team scores.
Hutnyak was the low medalist for the second straight day, shooting 73. Holmes also carded a 73 but lost out in a playoff. Marma was third at 76 and the Esquivel was fourth with a round of 77.
DeLong and Mendoza each shot 94 for Lowry and Mori finished at 98.
The Northern 3A doesn’t conduct a postseason regional championship and the three teams that advance to the NIAA State Championships are determined by regular season point standings.
Fernley, Truckee and Elko hold the three transfer spots.
Esquivel will qualify for the state tournament as an individual for the Buckaroos.
The Northern 3A regular season concluded on May 1 and May 2 with tournaments in Genoa Lakes and Sierra Sage Golf Course in Reno. Results were not available at press time.
The NIAA 3A State Championships will take place May 16-17 at Toiyabe Golf Course in Washoe Valley.