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Great Basin Gas

Transmission Company

2024 Expansion Project

FERC Docket No. CP23-466-000

Great Basin Gas Transmission Company (“Great Basin”), formerly

Paiute Pipeline Company, is a natural gas company primarily engaged

in the business of transporting and storing natural gas flowing in

interstate commerce. Great Basin owns and operates an interstate

pipeline system which extends from a point on the Idaho-Nevada border

to the California-Nevada state line, near the north and south ends of

Lake Tahoe. In addition, Great Basin operates an LNG peak shaving

storage facility near Lovelock, NV.

On May 1, 2023, Great Basin filed an application with the Federal

Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) for a Certificate of Public

Convenience and Necessity authorizing Great Basin to expand the

capacity of its existing interstate pipeline system by 5,674 Dekatherms

per day (Dth/d). The Project, referred to as the 2024 Expansion Project,

will require Great Basin to replace approximately 2.88 miles of existing

steel pipe with larger diameter steel pipe and install approximately 0.53

miles of new steel pipeline loop in three locations along Great Basin’s

existing Carson and South Tahoe Laterals near Fernley, Silver Springs,

and Genoa/Mottsville, Nevada Areas.

Great Basin is working with government agencies to obtain all

necessary permits in a timely manner. Construction of the pipeline

facilities is scheduled to begin on or about May 1, 2024, and be

completed by November 1, 2024. Construction would commence

soon after permits and agency approvals have been granted. The time

frame is subject to change depending on the FERC action and other


The facilities will be installed in easements and rights-of-way from

private and public landowners. Great Basin will engage in good faith

negotiations with the intention of compensating landowners fairly for

the use of their land, necessary for the construction of the new pipeline


The FERC has a brochure that explains the FERC’s certificate process

and addresses the basic concerns of landowners. The brochure, entitled

“An Interstate Natural Gas Facility on My Land? What Do I Need to

Know?” is available on the FERC’s website at


In addition, the FERC’s Landowner Helpline is available at 1-877-337-

2237 or to answer any further questions

about the procedures associated with the certificate process.

The 2024 Expansion Project Application is available for review at:

(1) the Minden Branch of the Douglas County Library; (2) Storey County

Community Library; (3) Silver Springs Branch Library; (4) Great Basin’s

Project website -; or (5) the FERC’s

website - The FERC docket number

assigned to this application is CP23-466-000.

Affected landowners and governmental entities impacted by Great

Basin’s certificate application will receive a separate landowner

notification package from Great Basin. If you have any questions,

contact Great Basin toll-free at 1-877-593-2065 or via email at

Pub Date: May 10, 13, 2023 Ad # 33393