Past Pages for May 17 to 19, 2023

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

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150 Years Ago

An incursion of river drivers rushed red on our sight yesterday, the same being fresh from the riparian labors and perils of the turbulent Carson, down whose icy current and compulsive course they have been steering the spring drive of cord-wood — which of itself ought to be itemized and will be of some intelligent Empiric will tell of the facts thereof. There were some thirty odds of these scarlet shirted heroes of the drive, and right vigorous young fellows they mostly were.

140 Years Ago

Yesterday afternoon Frederick Burns was buried at the state prison, having died of heart disease. Some of his fellow prisoners acted as pall bearers, and the guards walked alongside with loaded rifles escorting the pall bearers. It was a strange sight to see the convicts standing over their late comrade while under surveillance. Rev. G.R. Davis read the burial service. The deceased was 27 years old and had a few months more to serve when death commuted his sentence.

120 Years Ago

Early yesterday a telegram was received at the sheriff’s office in this city to be on the lookout for an Indian who had brutally assaulted a young lady near Washoe City. The lady in question is Miss Annie Callahan, daughter of Matt Callahan, whose home ranch is on Galena Creek. The sheriff quickly arrested Sam Bath and within a few minutes he was behind bars.

70 Years Ago

The weather bureau today blamed a “Tonopah low” for a sudden storm which deposited .36 of an inch of rain in this area and from 2-9 inches of snow on U.S. 395 just across from the Nevada border.

30 Years Ago

More than 1,200 Sierra Pacific Power customers in Minden were out of power and Carson City customers experienced power surges Monday night after lightning struck a power line insulator.


150 Years Ago

If the mischievous boys don’t abandon the habit of climbing into and breaking the limbs from the plaza trees, we will go to secretary Minor and he will tell sheriff Swift, and the sheriff will come along with an ox gad and a lot of handcuffs and a bunch of keys and some old stale bread and water and just take every dog’ on boy of you and slap the darbies on you (your mother will tell you what darbies are), and then he will just unlock that ironwood door of the jail and chuck you in there head first. There will not be any good boy or girl that will have anything to say to you because you’ve been in the nasty old jail where the Chinese people and old stinking drunkards are put. You better keep out of those trees!

140 Years Ago

Eureka has opened a soda fountain, and people wade through snow drifts to get at it.

120 Years Ago

Last evening a high wind that came from every point in the compass filled in from the canyons, and by the time night fall had arrived, many of the decorations placed for the president’s visit were decorating Wiggins’ saloon in Empire. Fortunately, most of the decorations were not in place, as many had been through such a deal on former occasions. All indications are the weather is endeavoring to be pleasant when Teddy arrives.

70 Years Ago

Tonight is the big night for the Monte Carlo party at the civic auditorium. Proceeds from the party will go to a fund for building a swimming pool at Mills Park.

30 Years Ago

Parents who can’t keep their children in school or off the streets after hours may be facing a judge themselves if the board of supervisors approves an ordinance to amend city code, making parents more accountable for their children’s actions.


150 Years Ago

Mr. John C. Fall, one of our earliest and most valued California acquaintances, now, as everybody knows, a citizen of Unionville, dropped in upon us yesterday. We haven’t seen “the governor” look so well in recent years. He has come to Carson on some business connected with the mines. There is no better citizen on the pacific coast.

140 Years Ago

Peterson, the live photographer, has taken some splendid views of Carson from the dome of the Capitol building.

120 Years Ago

President Roosevelt will be conveyed from the depot to the Capitol in the old Tuffy barouche, one of the finest and most costly carriages ever brought to Nevada. President Grant rode in the same carriage when he made his trip around the world.

70 Years Ago

With 25 cases of poliomyelitis already reported in Nevada this year, the state still awaits its first allotment of gamma globulin from the national pool. Because of very limited supply, the gamma globulin will be available only for intimate contacts within the family of a diagnosed case.

30 Years Ago

Knowing they would be safer on the rock, Susan Bottoms lifted her two blonde, roses-cheeked girls off the raft. The Carson River rapids left her with no choices as the rubber vessel was about to be punctured by branches tangled against the large, flat stone.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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