Carson City Legal - 33939

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You are hereby notified that the Carson

City Board of Supervisors will conduct a

public hearing on Thursday, June 15, 2023,

beginning at 8:30 a.m. regarding the Fiscal

Year (“FY”) 2024 Carson City Downtown

Neighborhood Improvement District (“DNID”)

and the FY 2024 Carson City South Carson

Street Neighborhood Improvement District

(“SCNID”) assessments. The meeting will be

held in the Carson City Community Center,

Robert “Bob” Crowell Board Room, 851 East

William Street, Carson City, Nevada.

In accordance with the provisions of NRS

Chapter 271, the estimated assessments

for the FY 2024 DNID and for the FY 2024

SCNID was approved by the Board of

Supervisors on April 20, 2023, and filed with

the Carson City Clerk-Recorder. A copy of

the proposed assessment rolls and DNID

and SCNID boundary maps can be obtained

from the Planning Division of the Carson

City Community Development Department

(“Planning Division”) at 108 E. Proctor Street

or at

The Board of Supervisors will also consider

adoption of a proposed ordinances amending

the DNID and the SCNID ordinances under

NRS Chapter 271. The basis for apportioning

the assessments will not change. A draft of

the proposed ordinance amendments may

be obtained from the Planning Division at

108 E. Proctor Street or from the Board of

Supervisors agenda for May 18, 2023, at


The Board of Supervisors will hear all

complaints, protests and objections made

in writing or verbally regarding the proposed

ordinance amendment, at the public hearing.

Any written complaint, protest or objection to

the proposed ordinance amendment must be

filed in writing with the City Clerk, Planning

Division office, or Executive Offices (201 N.

Carson Street) at least 3 days before the

hearing. Any complaint, protest or objection

to the proposed ordinance amendment, shall

be deemed waived unless filed in writing

within the time and in the manner provided

above. If a person objects to the proposed

ordinance amendment, the person is entitled

to be represented by counsel at the hearing.

Any evidence the person desires to present

on these issues must be presented at the

hearing, and evidence on these issues that

is not presented at the hearing may not

thereafter be presented in an action brought

under NRS 271.395.

Questions can be directed to the Carson City

Planning Division at or

(775) 887-2180

Pub Date: May 27, 2023 Ad #33939