150 Years Ago
The insane woman, of sheriff Swift’s energetic search for whom we made mention in yesterday’s Appeal was taken into custody and put in jail. Her name is Deignan, and she was lately living at Lone Pine or somewhere in that part of the world and has been afflicted with certain domestic troubles which brought on its insanity. She is quite mad; refuses nourishment; and sees angels and demons and thinks there is a constant conspiracy against her life. We are told she has three or four young children. A very distressing case.
140 Years Ago
Madame Jananschek and a portion of her company spent the greater part of Sunday at Swift’s Springs. The Madame remarked that upon the conclusion of her engagement she would return here and remain a month to get the benefit of those springs, as they were not equaled in Europe.
120 Years Ago
One of the most ghastly wrecks in this division (Wadsworth) for many years occurred when a string of gravel cars on a work train employed ballasting the net cut-off east of this place was returning for the night. At a point three miles east of this place a broken flange on the first car caused a derailment of four cars. At the time of the disaster, four were killed instantly. Judging from the wreck, it was a miracle more were not killed — Journal.
70 Years Ago
A letter from Jack Ross and Lee Scott: “We read with some alarm the comment in Wednesday’s Appeal to the effect that because of community indifference the train might go the way of practically all other of Carson City’s priceless historical relics.”
The men offered a strip of land next to the train depot on the north side of Washington Street to put the train in its proper historical background.
30 Years Ago
Photo caption: Old Engine No. 25 is all steamed up as it travels the tracks at the Nevada State Railroad Museum, Saturday morning. The train gives riders a glimpse into the past when such locomotives were the principal main means of transportation.
150 Years Ago
Lots and lots of lots are offered for sale by Bence and Witherell, our enterprising real estate agents. They have also rooms to let; and they will rent property, or sell it, or purchase, or do anything in the real estate way and do it up brown and prompt and to the satisfaction of the most fastidious. They can be found at the courthouse, and they are worth finding.
140 Years Ago
Mrs. J.M. Benton furnished the flowers for Hank Monk’s grave.
120 Years Ago
A cattleman and a sheep man were involved in a quarrel this week at Mormon Ranch. Six shots were fired — nothing but atmosphere was struck. The names of the parties cannot be obtained. Both were arrested — Bodie Index.
70 Years Ago
11,429 school children in nine Nevada cities have saved $288,214 during the past four years in the First National Bank of Nevada school savings plan. During the past year $4,497 has been saved by 475 Carson City students bringing the total saved in Carson City to $13,758.
30 Years Ago
Many new names were in the top five finishers at last week’s kart racing at Fuji Park. Some karts, like Randy Houston’s No. 19z, went home in less than perfect condition.
150 Years Ago
The St. Charles Hotel is destined, so long as George Tully and his excellent wife are at the head of its affairs, to be a very model of neatness and good cheer. It has just received its annual restoration and reconstruction; and from the kitchen to the pilot house on the hurricane deck, it is as bright and clean as a ship of the line.
140 Years Ago
The observance of Memorial Day last was probably more heartily entered into by the people of Carson than ever before in the history of the city. The day was cloudless and pleasant and as early as sunrise hundreds of citizens were at the cemetery placing flowers upon the graves in which friends and relatives reposed.
120 Years Ago
Farm hands are reported to be exceedingly scarce in every section of the state. Between the railroads and mining there seems to be all the work that men can handle without going into the hay fields.
70 Years Ago
Carson schools will graduate 117 this week. Alan Bible, former attorney general and Carson resident will be the commencement speaker and deliver an address entitled “Your Roles in America Today.”
30 Years Ago
Luck shined on Carson City more than 40 years ago when Thelma and Jim Calhoun stood in Silver Springs at a crossroad and flipped a coin… heads, Carson City, tails, Reno.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.