Get Healthy Carson City: Counting the homeless

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Every January the Point in Time Count takes place in communities throughout the country. The PIT is the only mandated count of all people experiencing homelessness across the country.

The PIT is a “snapshot” count of people experiencing homelessness. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires all Continuums of Care to conduct PIT counts as a condition of receiving funding for their communities. The HUD requirements for a PIT count of homeless individuals is a “sheltered” count every year, and a PIT count of individuals who are “unsheltered” at least once every two years. Carson City is a part of the Rural Nevada Continuum of Care, who choose to conduct both counts each year.

Unsheltered homeless are individuals and families living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, camps in sagebrush, sidewalks, or any other place not meant for human habitation. Sheltered homeless were previously homeless but now staying in sheltered location, such as an emergency shelter, transitional housing, or a haven.

Each year, Carson City agencies pull together to conduct the PIT. Volunteers are trained for the street count on how to approach individuals. This entails scoping areas inside our community to identify homeless residents. This can be a camp in a vacant lot, in the hills, or down by the river. It can be families living in a car at a parking lot or off roads. Basic information is gathered while the volunteer is talking to an individual or family. Volunteers can speak to the person directly or record an observation if there are any safety concerns. The RNCoC contracts with a mobile app that volunteers can utilize to enter demographics during the count.

There is an opportunity for an in-depth interview with individuals. Where data is obtained on what caused his/her homelessness, how long and how many times have they been homeless, and what are the barriers to getting rehoused. This in-depth interview is not mandatory, and the person being interviewed may agree or not agree to take part.

The information gathered during the PIT count becomes the main source of data used by the federal government to track the number, demographics, and needs of people experiencing homelessness. The data is used to determine federal funding allocations to address homelessness while states and local jurisdictions rely on PIT data to inform strategic planning efforts, funding allocations, and impact evaluations of current homeless programs.

The next PIT count is Jan. 25. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer and participating in the PIT, contact the Carson City Human Services Division at 775-887-2110. We will be looking for volunteers to do street counts, motel counts, and help at the Carson City Community Center, where there will be a resource fair and interviews conducted.

For additional resources and information about our department programs and services, check out our website at, “Like” us on Facebook at, follow us on Twitter @CCHealthEd, call us at 775-887-2190, or visit us at 900 E. Long St., in Carson City. 


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