Letter: Following Trump

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U.S. Rep. Mark Amodei reports hitting the ground running to get back to work for the American people, and having proudly co-sponsored a $14.5 billion appropriation bill to support Israel against terrorism. This staggering sum is proposed to come from cuts to the Internal Revenue Service.

He fails to mention two things for which he may not be so proud: 1. The only people this bill works for are the wealthy tax-cheats who won't be audited, increasing the deficit along the way; and 2. This bill has no chance of passing in the Senate because it excludes support for Ukraine. Currently, both the Democratic majority and the Republican minority in the Senate support a funding package that includes Ukraine.

This bill is a three-way failure with no effort to negotiate a bipartisan deal in a closely divided House, the failure to support Ukraine against Russian aggression, and the failure to support equal application of the rule of law for billionaires. It is a siren signal of the house Republicans' fealty to Trumpism, and Amodei should know better.

Laura Hale

Carson City