Diesel and Sadie (see the print edition for photos of both) are an 8-year-old Lab-mix brother and sister. Diesel is friendly and enjoys being around people. He loves his pool and playing fetch. Sadie is a sweet girl who likes playing in her pool and going for walks.
Provided to the LVN
Dear readers, one of the most valuable assets in Fallon is our local library. On a recent visit, I happened to see a photo of Scout, who is the star of Reading with Rover. Scout is a beautiful 7-year-old Labrador retriever, and she appears once a month on the second Thursday at 3:30 to promote reading.
Scout is highly intelligent and is a trained vision and mobility service dog. She is also a certified therapy dog. Her specialties are assisting with mobility and vision, but her side gigs include visits to schools, nursing homes, and the library.
I was curious about how she was trained, and I was told that the key to training is consistency. Her routine varies depending on the necessary tasks; however, working on them daily is the most important factor. The number of things she has learned is impressive!
Scout is constantly on alert to letting her person know what is coming up. She taps or nudges her person to let her know when the ground level changes or if there are stairs. She scans the road to see when it is safe to cross. When going into or out of a building, she will tap the automatic door opener.
At home, Scout is able to open doors using a rope, turns lights on and off, and gets the mail, opening and closing the mailbox with ease. She also guides her person to objects by tapping or gently nudging her in the right direction. Scout is a great partner and asset to making life easier.
Recently, a puppy named Sierra Rose has been auditioning to become Scout’s apprentice. Sierra is young and it is too early to know if she has the aptitude for the necessary training to become a service dog. She is an adorable little pup and we hope she will seize her role and shine.
There is no official certification for service dogs and establishment owners may only ask what function the dog performs. Scout is a star and her accomplishments are amazing. She is certifiably wonderful. Try to catch her next gig at the library.
The 5K Haunted Howl Run takes place Saturday, Oct. 21 at 6 p.m. Join us for a spooky run. Text Genevieve at 801-694-0059 for details. All proceeds benefit CAPS.
We have two handsome 1-year-old male puppies. BG and Diego are anxiously waiting to find their forever homes. We also have four Border Collie-mix puppies who are six months old and five Lab-mix who are 13 weeks old. Cat lovers, we have eight Tabby kittens in shades of gray. They are cute.
• XXL Kong Extremes for our guests.
• Would you like to foster animals? Call 775-423-7500 for details.
• Aluminum cans. We will pick up your cans; give us a call at 775-423-7500. You can also drop them off at CAPS.
• The wonderful person who adopted our senior dog Dixie, thank you for making her dream come true. Pooch smooches to you!
• Scout, the star of Reading with Rover and her person. A big bow-wow to you!
• Our Churchill County Library for featuring a canine in their program. A four paw salute to you!
CAPS is open to the public on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We suggest appointments for adoptions and food pantry.
• October Holiday: Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.
• Would you like a newsletter? Call 775-423-7500 or email caps@cccom.net.
• CAPS’ mailing address is P.O. Box 5128, Fallon, NV 89407. CAPS’ phone number is 775-423-7500. CAPS’ email address is caps@cccomm.net. Please visit the CAPS website (www.capsnevada.com) and Facebook page (Churchill Animal Protection Society). Be sure to “Like” CAPS on Facebook because we are likeable.
Kathleen Williams-Miller is a CAPS volunteer. Email jkwmil@outlook.com.