Carson City Fire Department crews mop up a small brush fire within the Washoe Tribe’s Stewart Community in south Carson on Monday afternoon.
Scott Neuffer/Nevada Appeal
The Carson City Fire Department and Washoe Tribe Police are being credited with quick action on a small brush fire that occurred within the Tribe’s Stewart Community on Monday afternoon.
“I’m just glad everybody came and knocked down the fire fast,” said Stewart Community Chair Darienne Tenorio, who was on scene Monday. “I’m grateful to tribal police and the Carson City Fire Department.”
CFFD was dispatched at 1:05 p.m. Monday and had the fire out within 25 minutes. Washoe Tribe Police Sgt. Bradley Harris was on scene as well. He’d provided access to the vacant, brushy land off Center Drive. He estimated the fire was 50 feet by 50 feet.
“Nobody was on scene (when it happened),” he said. “Two people walking by called it in.”
Harris said the cause of the fire was unknown. Storm clouds were looming to the west, but no lightning strikes had been observed. He also said the fire was unrelated to a brush fire and trailer fire that occurred on Washoe land further north on Aug. 24. The trailer fire was still under investigation as of Monday, Harris said.
Tenorio pointed out the fire season in Carson City has been mild so far.
“Everything is so wet and still so green,” she said.
For more information about wildland fire, visit