A packed house at the renovated dining room of the Carson City Senior Center on Friday.
Photo by Scott Neuffer.
Much has been said about the $1.4 million remodel of the Carson City Center Senior that included renovations to the west entrance, kitchen and dining room as well as a new art collection in the dining room.
Friday, after a ribbon cutting celebrating the grand reopening of the senior center, three Carson City residents shared their thoughts on the project:
Virginia Evart, 85
“I just never came; I just never participated. When they opened up, I just decided I’m going to give it a try. I knew Charlotte came all the time to have lunch. It’s delicious. I’m glad that I did. I did see it (before the remodel), but I never ate here. I think it’s beautiful. I think they did an excellent job.”
Carson City residents Virginia Evart, left, and Charlotte Adams enjoying lunch at the Carson City Senior Center on Friday. (Scott Neuffer photo)
Charlotte Adams, 87
“I started (coming) right before the remodel when we were getting bags outside … It’s great. I like the pictures on the wall. I like the bigger area that they hand (meals) out. They’re pretty coordinated … Now they’re offering second choices. I didn’t see it up today, but that’s new for those that have food problems.”
John Warden, 76, contributing photographer to the new art collection
“I’ve entered different things and all that and have been involved with the Nevada Artists Association gallery here at Brewery Arts. I got an email on it and said, ‘What the heck?’ They wanted something local, and I take a lot of pictures of Tahoe and Virginia City, Gardnerville, Genoa and all the other stuff … I make jewelry, little Nevada magnets, little pendants. There’s a lapidary lab that operates here from 9 to 1 on Tuesday and Thursdays … I think the first time I came here was in 2008, 2006, I can’t remember. I like the people. I like the people I meet. This is an improvement, yes it is. I think it’s nice, the bathroom especially … It’s an upgrade, very much so.”
For information about the senior center, visit https://www.carsoncityseniorcenter.org/.