Letter: Don’t feed the coyotes

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On Sept. 7, I played golf at Eagle Valley East. When I paid my green fees, I noticed a sign that said, “Please do not feed the coyotes.” I said to my clerk, “that sign should not be necessary. Only a moron would feed coyotes.”

Then I went to the first tee. Sure enough, to my unbelieving eyes, as soon as the group in front of the tee left, one of them threw food to a coyote. I went nuts and screamed to the idiot, that he was an idiot. He took no heed to my diatribe and continued to feed the coyotes. At one point, there were four coyotes following his cart.

Feeding coyotes will result in the coyotes following people to get food. They are wild animals, and they are predators. Inevitably, someone is going to get bit and then the police will have to come out and kill the coyotes.

It is illegal in Nevada to feed a big game animal NRS 501.382. The statute does not include coyotes. I suggest that the feeding of coyotes should be made illegal by city ordinance and enforced.

Once such an ordinance is enacted, when someone is arrested, prosecuted, and publicized, the feeding of coyotes should stop.

Douglas Norberg
