A fountain dyeing on April 1 on Maine Street signaled the beginning of Month of the Military Child.
Sara Dowling | NNG
The Churchill County School District is among the elite for working closely with military families and their students who attend the public schools in Fallon.
A proclamation recognizing April as Month of the Military Child coupled with the traditional downtown fountain dyeing kicked off the month last week with various events planned for the students and their parents. Both the mayor and the commanding officer of Naval Air Station Fallon ushered in the Month of the Military Child.
“I thank Mayor (Ken) Tedford for taking the time to support our military families and their children,” said Capt. Shane Tanner, commanding officer. “He completely understands the sacrifices that our military families make.”
More than 1.6 million military children attending schools in the United States and overseas continually face challenges related to the family moving from one location to another because of parental deployments.
Two years ago, the Nevada Department of Education represented two school districts — Churchill and Mineral counties — with their Nevada Purple Star School awards. The NDE said schools receiving this award are committed to supporting the unique educational and social-emotional needs of military-connected children.
Local schools in the Churchill County School District include Churchill High School, Churchill Middle School, Northside Early Learning Center and E.C. Best, Lahontan and Numa elementary schools. Jhone Ebert, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, said during the first presentation in 2022, Nevada is home to almost 11,000 military-connected children.
“The school communities receiving these designations have stepped up to support these students in meaningful ways,” she said.
Tanner said he was proud Churchill County had a clean sweep that included every school. He said CCSD is committed to the families and tries to integrate the spouses into the school district either as volunteers, aides or teachers.
“The award is great, but it’s the commitment an organization shows to supporting the military community,” Tanner pointed out. “When you have the kids and also the military spouses employed by Churchill County, they are equally committed to their mission. You will see it in the performance of the kids and the performance of the military spouses. It’s really great to see that.”
Tanner said the Navy encourages the involvement because it shows military commitment.
According to statistics, military children often change schools multiple times between the start of kindergarten and high school graduation. The move from one area to another affects everyone in the family.
Our kids really don’t have a say in what happens,” Tanner added. “They have to follow their parents around all over the planet. Sometimes, that leads them to Fallon, Nevada. Having the mayor’s support is amazing and to recognize the commitment that those families have is a service to our nation.”
Tedford said the parents sacrifice much for serving the country.
“The (remaining parent and children) do a sacrifice of their own,” Tedford said. “We try to treat them as special when they’re in Fallon. Today is a good day to highlight that.”
Most of the local families have a relationship to NAS Fallon or to a smaller degree, the Nevada Army National Guard which has an armory in Churchill County.
“I think this is great to recognize our children and the service of their parents and what they’re doing for us,” Tedford said, adding the service member is either working in Churchill County, overseas or on a shop. “The children are here either with their mom of the dad.”
Tanner agrees.
“This just highlights the quality of life,” Tanner said. “people are really proud of being a Purple Star. The quality of living is important out here.”
Churchill and Mineral counties have the only school districts recognized as Purple Star, but individuals private and public schools have met the requirement including 17 schools in Clark County, which is home to Nellis Air Force Base and several large Nevada Army National Guard installations.
• April 17 — An Explosive Ordnance Disposal team will come to LES to do a demonstration.
• A dandelion will be made with handprints from all the students at LES and displayed outside the office.
• April 19 — Activity day from 8:30-9:30 a.m. There will be a military-themed activity, and they have invited military volunteers to help out with all other activities that will be happening that morning.
April 11 (7:30-8:15 a.m.) — Breakfast for military students and their families.
April 17 - A special lunch will be provided for military students.