Commissioners adopt a proclamation to recognize April as Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness month. From left: Commissioner Justin Heath, Emma Knapp, Jill Manha and Brittany Burton with Commissioners Myles Getto and Bus Scharmann.
Sara Dowling | NNG
Churchill County commissioners covered a variety of items supporting community events and more during their April 4 meeting.
High on the list was the adoption of a joint proclamation with the city of Fallon designating April as Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month. The proclamation read by Commissioner Myles Getto stated in part that “effective child abuse prevention strategies succeed because of partnerships created among citizens.”
Social Services Executive Director Shannon Ernst said that everyone is encouraged to wear blue on Fridays in April to show support for the campaign. Free family activities provided throughout the month include a carnival at the Pennington Life Center on April 25 at 5:30 p.m. and Disney’s “Encanto” showing at the Fallon Theatre on April 26 at 6 p.m., Ernst said.
Commissioners supplied $3,500 in funding to support the Fallon Armed Forces Day event. Presenters April Gonzales and Essie Burriss said this is the fourth year of the event in appreciation of veterans and first responders and the money raised goes back to the community for veterans in need.
Commissioners also approved the appointment of Jessica Rowe to the Library Board of Trustees to fill an unexpired term ending Oct. 31, 2026. County Manager Jim Barbee said two candidates had completed the application and interview process, but he cited Rowe's experience being most in alignment with the responsibilities of a board member as the reason for her selection.
Commissioners discussed and/or took action on the following agenda items:
• Heard a presentation of the Public Lands and Natural Resources Tracking list.
• Approved a second scoping comment letter to the Bureau of Land Management’s Environmental Impact Statement for the Greenlink North 500-kV Power Transmission Line and proposed 3-mile wide utility corridor.
• Approved a comment letter to the Bureau of Land Management’s Environmental Impact Statement for the Utility Scale Solar Energy Development Programmatic EIS and Resource Management Plan Amendment.
• Heard a first reading of Bill 2024, Ordinance 8 to prohibit the transmission of false fire alarms.
• Approved Shaw Engineering’s final Preliminary Engineering Report and Environmental Review for the water treatment plant located at the golf course facility.
• Approved $889,000 to fund an agreement between Churchill County and Shaw Engineering for engineering design, bidding, and construction administration relating to the first phase of the Central Zone Water Treatment Plant.
• Approved $1,743,500 in a revised agreement with Nevada Housing Division pertaining to the Home Means Nevada Initiative and Churchill County to support property rehabilitation and implementation of the New Pass House and Day Center and deed restriction upon property at the close of escrow for a 30-year affordability period.
• Reviewed and approved an agreement with Crescendo for under $13,000 to complete the strategic plan for Churchill County Social Services.
• Approved $150,000 in funding to ratify an agreement between Churchill County Social Services and the Nevada Health and Human Services director's office from April 1, 2024-June 30, 2025 to support the Technical Assistance Project and maximize Medicaid reimbursements to Churchill County.
• Approved to ratify a funding agreement between Churchill County Social Services and the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public and Behavioral Health. The agreement represents an increase from $202,566 for November 1, 2023-June 30, 2024 to $715,634 for November 1, 2023-July 31, 2026.
• Approved a special assessment on each taxable parcel in the Carson Desert Groundwater Basin for $18,000 and certified the amount of the special assessment to be entered on the 2024-25 secured tax roll by the county treasurer.