A rendering from Tectonics Design Group Inc. showing the layout for the Mission Senior Living project south of Gold Dust West.
Two requests are heading to the Carson City Planning Commission on Wednesday night that, if approved, would facilitate a new ATM at the Carson Mall and a new 105,000-square-foot senior living center near Gold Dust West off East William Street.
The meeting starts at 5 p.m. in the board room of the community center, 851 E. William St.
Planning commissioners will make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors concerning a request to change the zoning of some right of way along South Carson Street and South Stewart Street from public zoning to retail commercial zoning.
Carson City Public Works is making the request.
“Portions of this property include parking lot improvements which are utilized for mall parking,” according to the agenda. “The property owners of the mall have recently entered into a license agreement which allows them to utilize this parking area. In addition to parking, the license agreement allows the property owners to establish an automated teller machine (ATM); however, it is not allowed in the P zoning district. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a zoning map amendment to RC which will not only provide consistency with the rest of the right of way fronting the Carson City Mall parcel, but it will also allow for the establishment of the ATM within the licensed right of way.”
Carrington Co., which owns and leases the mall, previously told the Appeal the proposed ATM would have a drive through. Documents from public works show the location of the requested zoning change on the southeast side of the mall.
“Since there is ample space for the proposed project it is expected that only minimal impacts to traffic will occur, within the site, in the immediate vicinity of the ATM,” reads the development application. “The citizens of Carson City will benefit from having an additional conveniently located ATM in the downtown area.”
Planning commissioners also will consider a special use permit (SUP) for a 105,000-square-foot congregate care facility within the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area on 13.29 acres zoned general commercial. The property lies south of East William Street “at the southern terminus of Gold Dust (West),” according to the agenda.
Mission Senior Living is the project applicant.
“The applicant is proposing to construct a congregate care facility consisting of two separate buildings proposed to be developed in two separate phases,” reads a staff report. “The western portion of the site is a 40-foot tall, 2-story, 130-unit senior residence and the east portion of the site will consist of a 45-foot tall, 3-story, 124-unit assisted living and memory care facility.”
The report further states: “Per CCMC 18.04.130, a congregate care facility is a conditional use in the GC zoning district. Therefore, the use may only be established upon approval of a SUP by the Planning Commission. The applicant is proposing primary access to the site from Gold Dust West Drive and has submitted a Memorandum of Understanding signed by both affected parties. Access to the south of the site will be limited to emergency vehicle access only.”
Because the project is proposing to use more than 10,000 gallons of water daily, it will have to be reviewed by the Growth Management Commission as well. According to the agenda, the applicant is requesting “an average daily water usage of 18,892 gallons.”
City staff has concluded the city has sufficient capacity to serve the project with water and sewer without detrimental impacts, according to a staff report.
“Staff is recommending a condition of approval for the project requiring future water use to be reported which would ensure that future water use is within the range proposed,” reads the report.
In other action:
• Planning commissioners will review a SUP request for an accessory structure exceeding 75 percent of the size of the primary structure for a commercial stable and riding academy on property zoned single family residential 2 acres. The property is located at 2170 Alfred Way.
“Tiffany Coury of Elle Equine (applicant) is proposing to construct a 3,702 square foot detached barn structure and to establish a therapeutic riding stable that would have a maximum of four therapy program horses living on-site and would provide lessons for up to two clients at a time,” according to the agenda. “The primary residential structure is 3,866 square feet in size. A detached accessory structure is allowed to exceed 75% of the size of the primary building with the approval of a SUP. Additionally, a commercial stable/riding academy that is associated with a residential use is allowed within the SF2A zoning district with the approval of an SUP.”
• Planning commissioners will consider a SUP for the conversion of a storage facility into a residence on property zoned general commercial at 5432 Lynnett Lane.
“Peter Sinnott (applicant) is proposing the conversion of an existing storage structure into a residence on a 0.81-acre property,” according to the agenda. “There are three existing residences and a commercial building on the site. Multifamily residential development is allowed within the GC zoning district with the approval of an SUP.”
• Planning commissioners will consider a SUP request from the Carson City Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department for trailhead improvements and a new trail on property zoned public regional about a third of a mile east of the Koontz Lane terminus.
“The trailhead improvements include access and drainage improvements, improved parking, construction of a new vault toilet and covered picnic tables,” according to the agenda. “The 2.4-mile trail will be a non-motorized, unpaved, multi-use trail located along the west side of Prison Hill and will connect three trailheads.”