Past Pages for August 28 to 30, 2024

Nevada Historical Society

Nevada Historical Society

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150 Years Ago

To the mountains: Three gentlemen of Carson leave on a camping out tour to Hope Valley and to the Big Trees of Calaveras. They go prepared for fishing and hunting and will be gone for three weeks. One of them says he has never camped out before. To pioneers and prospectors there is less novelty than to city gentlemen on their first tour.

140 Years Ago

Rich find: A rich find was made in Red Canyon (Douglas County). A prospector brought in a sack of ore containing the richest specimens ever seen in this state — free gold. It was estimated that the sack of one would realize $1,000 — people are flocking to the canyon.

130 Years Ago

First day - hi-jinks at “Camp Poujade” (located at Treadways Park named “Camp Clark”): At night they “made Rome howl.” Some men were placed in the Guard House, where they howled to themselves.

Sacks of oatmeal were put in the drinking water for medicinal purposes and taken out by a squad of midnight foragers and thrown all over the “streets” of Co. F. It made police duty very disagreeable in the morning — the stuff being soft and “mushy,” especially when a soldier steps on it with his bare feet. (continued Thursday)

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Sky-Vue Drive-in Theatre: ‘Mickey Spillane’s, I, The Jury’ with Biff Ellott and Preston Foster. Mickey Spillane’s Most Famous Story! –Also — ‘Melba’ with Patrice Munsel and Robert Morley.”

60 Years Ago

Appeal’s TV guide: “Rocky & Friends,” “Lawmen,” “Death Valley Days,” “The Saint,” “Tightrope,” “Wrestling,” “News,” “Groucho,” and “Movie.”


150 Years Ago

Grand Ball: Mr. E. Clements of Tallac House, known as “Yank’s,” at Lake Tahoe, will give a Grand Ball on Sept. 18. Clements will spare no pains or expense to make it the most enjoyable. Yank is justly proud of the facilities.

140 Years Ago

Miss Sutro: The daughter of the man who constructed the Sutro Tunnel is the heroine of a romance. A Berlin professor fell in love with her photograph and proposed marriage. Her father who was in Spain was forwarded the professor’s letters. Sutro visited Berlin, saw the professor liked him and advised his daughter to correspond. A betrothal is the result.

130 Years Ago

Second day at Camp “Poujade,” “Camp Clark” (continued): What is called the Extended Order drill was gone through — The men stretch out across the field, six feet apart and fire volley after volley — standing, kneeling and on their stomachs. After the soldiers returned from the “field of glory,” they really looked as though they had been to a real war.

70 Years Ago

New highway ski bowl grand opening: The new 2.6-mile highway linking Mt. Rose road with the Reno Ski bowl at Slide Mountain opened. George Wingfield Jr., president of Washoe Development Corporation which operates the bowl and chair lift, was master of ceremonies.

60 Years Ago

Classified ads: “Nevada Children’s Home —"Cottage Couple I,” $647-$789 plus board and room. Husband and wife team. Both must be high school graduates and have two years’ experience as parents. Location, Carson City. Phone Nevada State Personnel Division, Carson City.”


150 Years Ago

Empire and Brunswick: At Empire, the mills are running steadily, the Yellow Jacket crushing its 80 or more tons a day. The woodmen are busy taking the wood out of the river, and the amount piled up in the vicinity is really immense. The woodmen use a large share of the water during the day. All the mills are well supplied with ore.

140 Years Ago

Wayside notes: Judge Cary reached home from Hope Valley. The Appeal office acknowledges the receipt of a fine string of his fish.

Mr. James Dealey, of the Magnolia, has leased the Lake House in Reno. Dealey is an old resident of Carson and will be sure to make a good hotel of the Lake House.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Mary Hopkins is under arrest. She was the leader of a band of horse-thieves in Oklahoma Territory. It was supposed the leader of this band was a man, but Mary Hopkins wore men’s clothing.

70 Years Ago

Photo caption: Sitting at witness table, Sen. Joseph McCarthy turns to chat with reporter as special senate committee begins hearing on whether he should be censured.

60 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Now Showing ‘Bikini Beach,’ with Annette Funicello, Frankie Avalon and Martha Hyer — It’s where bare-as-you-dare is the rule! Carson Theater, two shows nightly.”

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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