Notice of Trustee's Sale
Notice of Petition for Name Change
Notice of Sale
Annual Statement
With each passing Thanksgiving and Christmas, the need for holiday meals is increasing with the county’s senior population.
The Churchill County School Board of Trustees approved Superintendent Derild Parson’s annual evaluation Dec. 18 by giving him a score of 2.99 out of a possible 4. The rating scale scores ranged from the highest of highly effective, to effective, developing/inconsistent and ineffective/needing improvement. Parsons did not receive any ineffective ratings.
The Churchill County School District is applying for a grant for a Farm to School program. At a December stakeholders’ meeting, the school district’s work-based learning coordinator informed members of a $500,000 federal grant spread out over five years that would educate students as well as the community on food production in Churchill County.
Churchill County High School senior James Sorensen scoops artisan-style handmade ice cream every day as an intern at Country Creamery inside The Grid Market and Brewery.
Veritas Preparatory School students have spent the last few weeks leading up to Christmas break remembering Jesus and the reason we celebrate Christmas.
The 2025 Veterans Legislative Summit in Reno is Jan. 18 at the Northern Nevada State Veterans Home, 36 Battle Born Way in Sparks, from 8-11:30 a.m. The Nevada Legislature starts Feb. 3. The report on the issues raised for this upcoming session may be found at
A “Salute to Service” night coinciding with the Nevada-Air Force basketball game on Jan. 14 will honor all military, first responders and law enforcement agencies at Lawlor Events Center.
Dear reader, the recent story of Scrim the runaway dog caught my eye and imagination. Scrim is a two-year-old terrier living in New Orleans. He was about to be euthanized by the pound when he was rescued by Zeus’ Rescues that is operated by Ms. Cheramie.
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Christmas season and as we look ahead, we wish you all a blessed and prosperous start to the new year with new opportunities, growth, and much happiness in the year to come.
The last major German offensive in Europe erupted in the Ardennes Forest 80 years ago when Hitler’s army attacked the U.S. Army in what proved to be one of the bloodiest months during World War II. Over time, the Battle of the Bulge led to the downfall of the Third Reich despite the gamble to go on the offensive in December 1944 with millions of soldiers and hundreds of tanks. The German plan called for splitting the British and American allies by driving through the Ardennes Forest and crossing the Meuse River into Belgium.
Can you name any of the 36 U.S. Army divisions that valiantly fought in the Battle of the Bulge 80 years ago? Did you mention the “Screaming Eagles,” the 101st Airborne Division, the “The Golden Talons,” the 17th Airborne or the “All American,” the 82nd Airborne? You earned partial credit for your answer.
The Nevada Treasury announced the winners of its fourth annual “What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?” art contest. The contest was open to pre-K to 12th grade students from Aug. 12 through Oct. 13, encouraging the use of artistic talents to create original artwork depicting what students want to be when they grow up.
Two people were arrested Monday in connection with an Aug. 14, 2023, murder of a Carson City man, whose body was found at the end of Stephanie Way.
Pack players are jumping off the silver and blue sinking ship this offseason faster than you can say Chris Ault.
MCBCreative, based in Carson City, has been nominated for the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Nevada Microenterprise Business of the Year award.
Caring for a loved one living with cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, can be an overwhelming and emotionally taxing experience. Memory care support groups offer essential emotional, social, and practical support for families and caregivers, playing a critical role in the cognitive decline journey. These groups provide a space for individuals to share experiences, learn from others, and access valuable resources as they face the complexities of memory loss and dementia-related conditions.
District Judge Kristin Luis effectively upheld supervisors’ prior denial of the residential project in west Carson known as Andersen Ranch West.
One of the basic duties of a seller is having the home ready to show and readily available for a showing.
At their first meeting of the new year, the Carson City Board of Supervisors will consider various appointments including three members to the Open Space Advisory Committee.
Two pickups stolen in Carson City early Monday morning were the subjects of high-speed pursuits in Los Angeles nearly 11 hours later.
Churchill County news in brief and upcoming events for the week of Dec. 30.
Sierra Nevada Classic wraps up invitational season for Northern Nevada teams.
Both Greenwave teams wrap up holiday tournaments; league seasons begin in Elko County.
Fallon, Oasis high school sports schedules for Jan. 3-8.
Retiring trustee Matt Hyde receives plaque in honor of 10 years' service.
I don’t mean like a literal bandage. I am talking about what I feel as the year comes to a close and a new fresh year is in sight. It really is though, like as the old year ends and a new one barrels down the pike at me, like a bandage is being ripped off and the new clean fresh skin underneath is ready to hit the ground running. Well, not actually hitting the ground.
Urology Nevada is expanding its services to Carson City beginning in January.
No. 5 Nevada has now lost four of its last six games in the month of December. The Wolf Pack fell 66-63 to No. 7 Wyoming on Saturday in Laramie.
The Carson City Sheriff’s Office is joining forces with surrounding law enforcement agencies this New Year’s Eve by increasing our patrols to focus on removing impaired drivers off of our roadways.
Former Greenwave state champ leads Broncos into Fiesta Bowl against Penn State.
Over 75 years, Carson Tahoe Health has been defined by critical moments in the lives of human beings. To the residents of the capital city and the quad-county area the hospital serves, those moments have been painfully personal: the birth of a child, the aftermath of an accident or injury, the death of a loved one.
It’s always a good idea to save up for paying for postsecondary education costs, rather than have to pay for them at the time they occur.
The Lyon County Commission on Dec. 19 heard a presentation on its potential bill draft request for the 2025 Nevada Legislature addressing the establishment of requirements for Global Positioning System navigation websites and applications.
A look at the key moments, players and plays from the Nevada Wolf Pack men's basketball team's 66-63 loss to the Wyoming Cowboys on Saturday afternoon at Laramie, Wyo …
Western Nevada College Foundation notecards highlight four offerings from WNC’s Continuing Education program: book sculptures, international travel, astrophotography and the Swiss Alphorn.
Happy Christmas everyone! For those of you thinking that I’m a bit belated with a Christmas greeting, I give you the good news that on the Christian calendar Christmas is actually a 12-day celebration, beginning with Christmas day and ending with Epiphany (the visit of the wise men).
Road Report as of Dec. 26. The following information applies to the period of Dec. 30 – Jan. 5: Road closures are expected at the following locations due to road/utility work:
The Carson City Sheriff’s Office is offering for sale two plush stuffed dogs modeled after the law enforcement K9s who serve the community.
Many hands were needed to help teach LifeChurch Carson City’s children when it first opened its doors in December 2023. Staff members constantly were recruiting volunteers as services kept growing. There was a vibrant energy filling the property at 1600 Snyder Ave. again with newcomers bringing their little ones and their curiosity about the area’s newest worship center.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya showed courage in challenging the entrenched public heath establishment.
One of the most popular places to play soccer in Northern Nevada is about to hit its busy season. Talents Athletic Center has become a staple for many in the community over the last decade and its familial atmosphere makes it a popular spot that many frequent throughout the year.
Feeding Pets of the Homeless has appointed Dominic Costarella to its board of directors.
Pay your taxes. The Delinquent Tax List, for 1867, 1868 and 1869 are now in the hands of the District Attorney of this county, who will make trouble, unless delinquents pay up in a very limited period. “A word to the wise is sufficient.”
The Washington Elm, where legend has it, George Washington took command of the Continental Army on July 3, 1775, in Cambridge, Massachusetts*, serves in the collective memory of the United States as an enduring symbol of America's fight for independence.
Notice of Application - 24-12015
Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicles
Notice of Modification to Existing Tariff - 24-12013
Notice of Application - 24-12017
Notice of Application - 24-12018
Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicle
Notice of Public Lien Sale
The 2024 General Election that brought high voter turnout in Carson City cost $439,044.34 to conduct, according to figures provided by the Clerk-Recorder’s Office.
Carson City is an international hub of interest. Most just don’t know it. But its local curators and historians take pride that Nevada’s capital offers something unique for everyone.
The Carson City Chamber is pleased to expand our travel offerings in 2025 to include this award-winning medium-size ship for a 10-day cruise along Alaska’s famed Inside and Outside Passage departing Seattle on July 29, 2025.
A blustery Boxing Day was just the opening act for even greater winds expected to arrive 1 a.m. Friday.
As 2025 tick tocks its way to life there are things that I still have to do to let the old year go.
Millions of Americans voted for Trump. With those votes, they accepted the destruction of many of the principles Republicans claim to believe in.
The third annual Roughy Top Gun Invitational Xtreme Bulls event also gains PRCA status.
Pay It Forward program reaches milestone for Fallon Ford-Toyota.
Nevada drivers like to camp in the left lane of a four-lane highway — and that causes dangerous situations.
New Year’s is a traditional time for making resolutions and thanking people who have made a difference in our lives.
Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicles
Notice to Creditors
Notice to Creditors
Notice of Hearing
The end of the year is a perfect time for agencies to reflect on the successes and challenges of the past year and set goals for the year ahead.
The Pink Platinum Champagne Cocktail is "guaranteed to elevate your view of how life is unfolding."
Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive
Since November, the Girl Scouts had been holding a personal item drive collecting donations from partners and businesses.
Notice of Foreclosure of Mechanic's Lien
Publication of Ordinance 2024-10 & Bill No. 110
Notice of Trustee's Sale
Notice of Hearing
Notice of Hearing
Updates from your community-owned and -operated Fallon Theatre.
Actions and updates from Churchill County government meetings.
News, events and updates from throughout the district.
News, events and updates from Oasis Academy College Prep.
Greenwave finishes in top half of 50-team event.
Holiday tournaments are next up for both Greenwave teams.
Christmas Eve in Carson City came with bursts of wind and rain, but Christmas Day was expected to be drier and sunnier with snowfall limited to the mountains, according to a Tuesday forecast by the National Weather Service.
The Capital City Art Initiative’s Nevada Neighbors series of public talks includes interviews with artists in their studios or in a gallery setting.
Bighorns split the week with two close games.
Churchill County news in brief and upcoming events for the week of Dec. 23.
Hillary Schieve has just two years remaining in her final term as Reno's mayor.
We are facing the last chance to do anything to save tax we will owe for 2024. Here are some basic thoughts for you to consider.
Baton Rouge-based Newtron made its first foray into region to work on construction of Tesla’s Gigafactory at Tahoe Reno Industrial Center.
News and notes from the Carson City campus of Western Nevada College.
There will be holiday treats and music. The event is free.
Buy the property and create a home and you will be satisfied with your investment. When you sell, move to the next one and you, too, will be satisfied.
Supervisors and commissioners went through each chapter of the draft, parsing statements and word choices, while acknowledging it will be a guiding document to steer land use and development of the capital city.
Carson City birth announcements for August 14 and December 7 to 11, 2024
Moose Lodge No. 2709 members participated in the Empty Bowls fundraiser held at the Carson Mall.
The Carson City Sheriff’s Office deputies, for the first time, will be allowed to grow facial hair as part of a three-month long fundraising event benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of Carson City.
Hope, peace, joy, and love in its most authentic self-entered the world to restore what was lost.
2024 Letters to Santa from readers of The Record-Courier and Nevada Appeal
Republicans wish they had not missed so many opportunities in 2024.
Carson City road report for December 23 to 29, 2024
The nonprofit partners with Carson City’s courts and mental health agencies to provide a housing-first model to low-income individuals.
Technical difficulties and glitches last year with the 2024-25 form that should have gone out in October 2023 have been resolved for 2025-26, Carson High counselor Bridget Gordon-Johnson said.
Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive
Commissioners approved the project’s special use permit in January 2023 to allow for four buildings on a property within the Silver Oak development and zoned retail commercial district.
Notice of Public Lien Sale
Notice to Creditors
Notice of Lien Sale
Health officials on Wednesday confirmed the first known severe illness in the U.S. caused by bird flu, and California's governor declared a state of emergency as the virus rampages through dairy cattle in that state. By the end of the week, the bird flu was causing an egg shortage in Northern Nevada and California.
Vice Principal Marc Rodina has assumed the role of the “Elf on the Shelf,” at the Carson City elementary school.
This contribution is part of the program run by the Salvation Army of Carson City, which provides gifts for children whose families are facing financial challenges.
There seems to be a notion that miracles are huge and ground-crashing events.
This recipe "is a very simple version of a gingerbread cookie, with all the traditional flavor and aroma, but without the need of a cookie cutter or the need to make your own stencil."
Supervisors lauded staff for high marks received but also expressed concern over the city’s self-insured Workers Compensation Fund and a rise in claims.
Nevada (8-3) set for the first of its 20 conference games.
The NDAA authorizes $48.3 million as part of the Fallon Range Training Complex modernization to pay ranchers for their land permits. The bill also provides an additional $45 million to accelerate the modernization, which was approved in the 2023 NDAA.
The Clear Creek Bowmen’s organization offers summer programs for children and adults interested in archery at local parks.
Trustee Hyde named as school board's member-of-the-year.
"This is a great breakfast, or you can stuff mushrooms with the mixture and turn it into a great appetizer."
Holiday with a Hero this year offered 210 kindergartners through eighth graders an opportunity to shop for themselves or loved ones with the help of officers, public safety, military and health personnel.
Notice to Creditors - 60-Day Notice
2025-2026 Notice of Secured Assessment Roll
Notice of Hearing
Application to Appropriate Water No. 93947
Notice of Petition for Change of Name
Application to Appropriate Water No. 93874
Application to Appropriate Water No. 93875
Application to Appropriate Water No. 93876
Application to Appropriate Water No. 93873
Application to Appropriate Water No. 93872
Application to Appropriate Water No. 93871
Notice to Creditors
The 62-foot amateur radio tower proposed for 1630 S. Deer Run Road was granted a special use permit in a unanimous vote.
The Wolf Pack coach recruits good shooters, then lets them fire away — like in last week's record-setting performance.
There's no reason to be like your favorite racer this winter — slow down, leave more room, and remember there's only four patches of rubber connecting you to the road.
Tommy Castro & The Painkillers are celebrating 30 years on the road and stroll back into Carson City on Dec. 28.
The committee considers legislation about energy production, mineral lands and mining, fisheries and wildlife, public lands, Native Americans, irrigation and reclamation.
Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive
Carson Valley Middle School boys basketball won a pair of Tah-Neva tournament titles last weekend.
Invitation to Bid
Notice of Application - 24-12003
Notice of Application - 24-12007
Notice of Application - 24-12012
Notice of Application - 24-12016
Notice of Trustee's Sale
Carson City’s Terry Kilfian of Breaking Addiction Ministries took third place in the 220 Masters Division at the Washington State Arm Wrestling Championship in Vancouver, Wash. on Dec. 7.
Here's how to help, donate.
News, events and updates from Oasis Academy College Prep.
There is nothing to compare with the love of a BFF.
For more than 40 years, the university has held several sessions across Nevada in January to provide ranchers with current research-based information.
Military news and events from around the region.
Results from Douglas High School wrestling and girls basketball from the past few days.
Northwest corner of University of Nevada has been selected for construction.
Comstock Senior MHP
Jailey Tijerina has taken college-level classes through JumpStart and began exploring veterinarian work as a kennel technician.
Thousands attend this year’s event in Fernley, presented by the Nevada Veterans Coalition.
Series of tremors near Yerington rattles northwest Nevada.
NDOT plans to install or replace more than 50 daytime headlight signs on U.S. 95 and U.S. 6 in central Nevada.
Retired newspaper editor Steve Ranson and co-author Kenneth Beaton will be at the Reno Public Market on Saturday.
Grants and loans are scheduled to support 118 projects that will help rural and Tribal communities.
A look back at the last few days of prep sports results for high school wrestling and basketball.
Fallon City Council news and updates.
Updates from your community-owned and -operated Fallon Theatre.
Blowout win over South Florida is latest feel-good moment for Aggies; Nevada third in rankings.
This year, focus on creating joyful, meaningful holidays while being mindful of the environmental impact.
Churchill County news in brief and upcoming events for the week of Dec. 16.
Fallon edges Pyramid Lake before sweeping a pair of 3A West teams.
A week after hosting the annual Earl Wilkens tournament, the Greenwave wrestling team was in three places at once.
Greenwave girls (5-2) also run into a tough Pyramid Lake team.
Bighorns get underway against Northern 2A competition.
Fallon, Oasis high school sports schedules for Dec. 20-21.
Carson City School Board members took note of Superintendent Andrew Feuling’s efforts this year to welcome suggestions for improvement and build relationships with the community.
If you are going to market your home through the winter be sure to get the landscaping ready as well as the inside of the house.
Storey County officials say more housing options are needed, adding there are several more hotels in the planning stages.
Nevada finishes with a school-record 18 3-pointers in 105-73 demolition of visiting Tigers.
The original indictment was dismissed earlier this year after a state judge ruled that Clark County was the wrong venue for the case.
The purpose of HR 10045, nicknamed “FARM” Act, is to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to make emergency assistance payments to agricultural producers.
The district is required to adopt an amendment to its final budget by the end of the end of the year as final enrollment counts are determined.
Do you have plans to purchase some equipment within the next six months? If so, could you purchase that equipment before the end of 2024?
Supervisors also will consider the appointment of three members to the Carson City Cultural Commission for three-year terms.
Carson City birth announcements for November 29 to December 6, 2024
Letter to the editor of the Nevada Appeal
CHS is one of 1,436 public high schools across the nation (out of more than 95,000) to win this year's award.
Brandon Kealoha is executive chef and general manager of Js’ Bistro in Dayton.
Daphne DeLeon has been promoted to director as of October from the Division of Museums and History.
Take some time to reflect on the hope the holiday brings and embrace the find peace made possible through the Prince of Peace.
Carson City had 64 sales of existing single-family homes in November, a 5.9 percent decrease from the previous month and a 33.3 percent increase from the same time last year.
In the campaign’s closing weeks, Trump rolled out an ad on the hot-button issue of transgender rights.
Carson City road report for December 16 to 22, 2024
On the Collette Vacations tour to South America departing next November, the countries of Chile and Argentina will be featured.
Joshua Nehring, from Rapid City, South Dakota, and his wife Stacy arrived Wednesday as part of a caravan with the Black Pearl Project.
Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive
Planning commissioners will mull a special use permit (SUP) for the proposed construction of a 62-foot-tall amateur radio antenna.
Notice of Hearing
Notice to Creditors
Notice of Hearing
Public Notice
Dec. 16 is the 80th anniversary of the first day of the Battle of the Bulge.
Santa’s flyover will be Thursday and will feature an MH-60S from the Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center Search and Rescue at Naval Air Station Fallon.
The Parks and Recreation Commission already recommended supervisors support what’s known as the East Shore Trail and related improvements.
The Douglas High School wrestling team is battling some early-season challenges, but the Tigers anticipate being a tough out in Northern Nevada this winter.
Do you know that if you talk to 10 people, I would bet that at least half of them will have some sort of a skunk story to share? That number grows steadily if you live in a rural setting.
RTC members voted, 4-1, to request from the Board of Supervisors up to $456,837.20 in unexpended ARPA funds for local roads.
Carson High School football will be in search of a new head coach after Ryan Boshard resigned this week.
Results from Carson basketball, Douglas basketball and wrestling and Sierra Lutheran hoops from this week.
“I volunteered to come here. I enjoy Fallon," CMC Monica Kuhl says.
The Carson City Sheriff’s Office is seeking to identify the suspect in a hit and run investigation.
The Carson City Sheriff’s Office is seeking to identify two suspects in a larceny investigation.
Nevada's three leaders get back on track, combining for 40 points in win over South Dakota State.
And now we await the 2025 season, which will begin a little over a month from now with the Roar Before the 24 at Daytona on Jan. 17-19.
The warming center was established in 2017 after four people died of the cold on Carson City streets the year before.
While the film centers on the two characters with its side characters, Carson is really considered central to the plot.
Notice to Creditors
Amended Notice of Hearing
Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicles
Bingo Night is coming to Western Nevada College, courtesy of the National Student Nurses’ Association.
Caregiving for a loved one, particularly those with chronic illnesses, dementia, or other age-related conditions, can be a rewarding but also exhausting role. While providing care is often driven by love and a sense of responsibility, the emotional, physical, and mental demands of caregiving can lead to burnout. In fact, studies show that a significant percentage of family caregivers experience high levels of stress and exhaustion.
Nevada heavily involved with college football's annual circus, with players coming and going — mostly going.
Toys that are mishandled or not appropriate for a certain age or skill level can cause injury and can sometimes lead to death.
Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive
This year, the ornament depicts the Krebs-Peterson House at 500 Mountain St., including John Wayne and his horse in miniature.
Publication of Ordinance No. 2024-9 / Bill No. 109
Notice of Public Lien Sale
Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicles
Results from prep hoops from this past weekend for Carson, Dayton and Sierra Lutheran High Schools.
Results from Douglas High School basketball from over the weekend.
Carson High School wrestling has its usual expectations this winter, but a strong senior class could push the Senators' to greater heights this season.
Ceremony honors almost 10,000 veterans at state cemetery.
Or: Dogs have owners; cats have staff.
News, events and updates from throughout the district.
Showings scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Fallon City Council news and updates.
Nevada enters week at 6-3 after a 4-0 start to season.
Pioneer Academy's Kylee Krause-Mays earned a Distinguished Student award through the National Honor Society and is a member of the American Sign Language club.
Churchill County news in brief and upcoming events for the week of Dec. 9.
At the end of November, civilian and military volunteers delivered 135 meals — but the prep time begins days before the holidays.
Military news and events from around the region.
South Dakota Joshua Nehring runner invites public to join him in walk to the State Capitol at 1 p.m. Thursday.
Oasis teams play five times in Yerington.
McCormick, Idaho advance to FCS quarterfinals.
The annual From Camos to Classroom scholarship gala Nov. 16 recognized four veterans from Northern Nevada who are furthering their education.
The PRCA-sanctioned extreme bulls event will feature some of the world's top riders.
Volunteers and wreath sponsors are needed to ensure every veteran receives a proper remembrance.
Carson City Fire Chief Sean Slamon will be retiring effective May 31, according to a Dec. 4 letter he sent to city officials.
On Friday, the Nevada Department of Agriculture received evidence of a detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in dairy cattle in Nye County.
Monday's earthquake occurred on an unnamed fault between Yerington and Silver Springs in Lyon County.
Nevada drops its first true road game, with Coleman, Davidson and DuSell again struggling to find the bottom of the basket.
The Community Partner Recognition System aims to build a stronger, more engaged community dedicated to the success and wellbeing of its students.
The concert will feature seasonal favorites and includes an opportunity to join the traditional singalong finale.
Be sure to look ahead and anticipate your future needs.
Andie Wilson Bonkowski has joined daughter and son-in-law, Mallory and Blaise LaBranch, at LOGIC Commercial Real Estate.
The Carson High School cross country team made a donation for the holiday season last week.
Carson City birth announcements for November 24 to 27, 2024
The opportunity to sustain and further improve upon not only what we can offer to our children, but also how we are judged in that endeavor, is an exciting one.
The Carson City Historical Society will present, "A Sugar Plum Victorian Christmas Tour."
Results from the opening few days of the 2024-25 prep basketball season.
Caring for a loved one living with cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, can be an overwhelming and emotionally taxing experience.
CCSF Board President Jon Hager says there are opportunities to approach the community about its mission.
Carson High School girls basketball opened its 2024-25 season this past week. Here's what you can expect to see from the Senators this winter.
The third annual Walk/Run to Remember took place on Sept. 28 at McFadden Plaza in downtown Carson City.
Why do string lights and warm fires and giving gifts stir a deeper longing for more?
The RTC convenes Wednesday in the community center boardroom immediately after adjournment of the Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization that meets at 4:30 p.m.
Lombardo blames Nevada law that allows ballots sent by Election Day to be counted up to four days afterward.
Carson City road report for December 9 to 15, 2024
Did you know that Nevada is the third fastest aging state in the country? With age being the greatest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, Nevada is poised to be hit hard by the Alzheimer’s crisis.
Heather G.'s contribution will help ensure every student has access to school meals, the school district said.
Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive
The record-setting projected tax revenue forecast was approved Monday by the state’s Economic Forum.
In the Silver State, residents honor the sailors and Marines who served on the USS Nevada while a memorial pays homage to the sailors and Marines who died on the battleship USS Arizona.
Notice of Application - 24-11040
Notice of Application - 24-11033
Notice of Public Sale
Notice to Vacate and Re-Set Notice of Hearing
Notice of Public Lien Sale
Notice of Trustee's Sale
Notice to Creditors
A 20-foot-tall, nearly 6,000-pound public sculpture by New Mexico artist Karen Yank was installed by crane and craftsmanship in south Carson City on Friday.
Proceeds will be used to send nursing students to the national convention in Seattle next spring.
Here’s to hoping you have people in your life that want to share life with you.
Supervisors voted unanimously to reject three appeals and affirm planning commissioners’ approval for the project at 1625 Vista Lane.
The theft occurred when a student volunteer stepped inside the store momentarily and left the kettle unattended.
Two Carson High School students were detained and the school was on “secure” Thursday after an incident involving paintballs, the Carson City Sheriff’s Office said.
Mayor Lori Bagwell asked about local road funding given two ballot measures for such funding were rejected by voters in November.
Nevada looks to shake off poor outing in loss to Washington State.
The Carson City Sheriff’s Office is seeking information to identify a suspect in a larceny investigation.
Also: College basketball ramps up; Bears visit 49ers.
The Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix will run the Yas Marina circuit, a 3.281 mile, 16-turn road course with three DRS zones and a unique pit exit through a tunnel.
Stretch that leftover turkey and bones into a delicious classic turkey noodle soup.
"John Bullis was a husband of 68 years, an Army captain, a choir singer, a church elder, a SUPER CPA and my dad."
The agreement aims to improve traffic conditions and user challenges on the east side of Lake Tahoe, a portion of which lies in Carson City.
Notice to Creditors and Others Concerned
Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicle
Notice of Public Lien Sale
Notice of Hearing
The program includes traditional, folk, fiddle, and classical selections.
National Influenza Vaccination Week and National Handwashing Awareness Week are observed annually in December.
Carson City history from the Nevada Appeal archive
Resource Concepts Inc., is reconstructing the 1906-07 house at 340 N. Minnesota St., that served as RCI’s office for more than four decades until a fire in 2022.
Notice to Creditors
Notice of Public Lien Sale
Invitation to Bid
Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicles
Notice to Creditors
Notice to Creditors
Notice of Public Lien Sale
Notice of Public Lien Sale
Request for Qualifications - Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR)
Nevada follows up holiday tournament with a poor shooting night against underdog Cougars.
The Carson City Host Lions Club announces Oriah Land has won the local competition in the Peace Poster contest.
Sonne Zambrana is a three-year CTE graphic design student who plans to major in art and go into the animation industry.
Johnsons, both 95, will begin the annual festivities.
'Highest year yet' reverses recent trend of falling totals.
Updates from your community-owned and -operated Fallon Theatre.
Actions and updates from Churchill County government meetings.
Actions and updates from Churchill County government meetings.
Churchill County news in brief and upcoming events for the week of Dec. 2.
The detector dog initiative was set up in the 1980s as part of the Agriculture Quarantine Inspection Program.
Both schools’ basketball teams will compete in three-day tournaments on the road.
"Sweet Charity” features the 17-member band playing swinging songs on the theme of the evening.
Here is an option to solve your house selling problem and not lose any of the CD interest you’re used to earning and were looking forward to earning on the proceeds from the real estate sale.
Carson City’s Clapp House is showing signs of promise that it’s being restored to a thing of beauty again.
It is worth a visit to the Stewart Indian School Cultural Center & Museum to understand what a government can force upon an ethnic group.
Nevada, losers of 33 of its last 41 football games, has found itself lapped by its southern rival.
Douglas High School girls basketball will be tasked with replacing quite a few seniors from last season, relying on role players from last winter to step into big minutes.
Close to 65% of Nevada’s children ages 0-5 live in households with all parents in the workforce.
When you have a plan together, you and your agent can work together to execute it, and you will be comfortable and confident all along the way.
Three major organizations that assist with veterans’ events and funerals in Northern Nevada are seeking new members to bolster their ranks.
The Carson City Board of Supervisors is set to decide on a new substance abuse treatment center in north Carson.
Carson City birth announcements for November 19 to 22, 2024
The Alternative Standards Program at CHS is dedicated to equipping students with practical tools for independence and success.
The grant will provide the Sutro Tunnel greater exposure, which is helpful to have the support of local and state officials.
A look at the key moments, players and plays from the Wolf Pack's 38-14 loss to UNLV on Saturday at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas.
This year’s theme is “Collective Action: Sustain and Accelerate HIV Progress.”
If you go looking for God, how far away is he? Turn around, he’s right behind you.
Colin and MaryBeth Smith recently added to their portfolio of businesses.