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You are hereby notified that the Carson City Planning Commission will

conduct public hearings on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, regarding

the items noted below. The meeting will commence at 2:00 PM. The

meeting will be held in the Carson City Community Center, Robert “Bob”

Crowell Board Room, 851 East William Street, Carson City, Nevada.

LU-2024-0426 For possible action: Discussion and possible action

regarding a request for a special use permit (“SUP”) to allow for the

construction of a 700 square foot guest building and to allow the

cumulative square footage of accessory buildings to exceed 50 percent

of the size of the primary building, on property zoned Single-Family

12,000 (“SF12”) located 4445 E Nye Lane, APN 008-281-49.

(Heather Ferris,

Staff Summary: Richard Fozard (“Applicant”) is proposing to construct

a 700 square foot guest building with two covered porches totaling 184

square feet. A guest building is a conditional use in the SF12 use district.

Additionally, with the addition of the guest house to the property, the

cumulative square footage of accessory structures will be 1,676 square

feet, which represents 58.65 percent of the size of the primary structure.

An SUP is required because a guest building conditional use in the SF12

use district and because the cumulative square footage of the accessory

structures will exceed 50 percent of the primary structure. The Planning

Commission is authorized to approve the SUP.

LU-2024-0392 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action

regarding a request for a special use permit (“SUP”) to allow for the

construction of a 62-foot-tall amateur radio antenna structure on property

zoned Single-Family 1 Acre (“SF1A”) located at 1630 S. Deer Run Road,

Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 010-092-04.

(Heather Ferris,

Staff Summary: Michael Vicari (“Applicant”) is proposing the construction

of an amateur radio antenna structure. The proposed structure is

considered an accessory structure and therefore is subject the 32-foot

height limitations of the SF1A zoning district, unless an SUP is obtained

to exceed the height limitations. The Planning Commission is authorized

to approve the SUP.

SUB-2024-0434 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action

regarding a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”)

concerning a request for an amendment to the Tentative Subdivision

Map conditions of approval for TSM-19-054 Blackstone Ranch South to

modify or delete conditions of approval to allow for bonding of required

improvements prior to the recording of the final map and related changed

to clarify the timing for roadway improvements to the Railroad Drive

extension on property located to the east of the eastern terminus of

Railroad Drive, is within the Blackstone Ranch South Specific Plan Area

(“SPA”) and is zoned Single Family Residential 6,000 (“SF6-SPA”),

Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 010-051-44.

(Heather Manzo,

Staff Summary: D.R. Horton Inc – NNV (“Applicant”) is requesting

changes to Condition Nos. 13 and 20 which will allow for bonding of

required infrastructure improvements prior to the recording of the final

map. Based on the Applicant’s request, staff is also recommending

changes to the conditions of approval, including but not limited to

Condition Nos. 17, 21, 43 and 51, to clarify the timing for roadway

improvements for the Railroad Drive extension from the subject property

to East 5th Street as they relate to a) construction traffic and b) right of

way completion to accommodate traffic generated by the residences.

MPA-2024-0396 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action

regarding a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”)

concerning the annual Master Plan report.

(Hope Sullivan,

Staff Summary: Nevada Revised Statutes (“NRS”) 278.190 requires the

Planning Commission to annually make recommendations to the Board

regarding the implementation of the Master Plan. Staff will provide the

Planning Commission with information regarding past, current and future

Master Plan implementation actions for the Commission’s consideration.

Pub Date: December 7, 2024 Ad # 48251