Past Pages for December 7 to 10, 2024

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

Looking west from William Street at the Dutch Mill restaurant, corner of William and Carson streets in the 1950s or '60s.

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155 Years Ago

Capt. Wallace, the energetic and indefatigable proprietor of the Warm Springs Hotel, is hard at work with a full force of men banking and embarking a 10-acre lot just in front of the hotel with the idea of making a grand reservoir to catch the waters and frost this winter. It is his intention to have one of the best skating parks in the state.

140 Years Ago

City Marshall Swift is overhauling the drains and putting them in shape so as to be cholera proof when the legislature meets.

120 Years Ago

A posse is out in Elko County chasing a couple of horse thieves named Lester Blackwell and Bert Jackson, who lifted two animals a few days ago. The two thieves have been run into the Three Creek country and it is believed that they will be taken.

60 Years Ago

Conditions have improved considerably at the Nevada State Prison since 1960, but much improvement of facilities is still needed, a Ormsby County Grand Jury said in one of eight interim reports presented this morning to District Judge Richard Waters, Jr.

40 Years Ago

Public broadcasting service station, KNPB Reno, will be available to residents in the Carson City and Minden-Gardnerville area on Channel 15 within four to six weeks if all goes well with the new translator site on Duck Hill, according to Station Manager Jim Pagliarini.


155 Years Ago

Fare reduced. Billy Wilson has no notion of being “telescoped” by the V&T R.R. Locomotives — and he has put down his stage fare, as will be seen by looking at our advertising columns, to three dollars.

140 Years Ago

An expedition has been fitted out at Glenbrook to capture the 24-foot trout in Lake Tahoe. The fish was first looked upon as an Appeal yarn, but it is now an admitted fact just as the subterranean passage in the Lake are now being recognized by scientists.

120 Years Ago

If you know anything new, bring it around, we need it for our business.

70 Years Ago

Light snow and rain is the forecast for tonight and tomorrow by Hank Monk, who added that it will also turn colder. “Good time to stay home and do your Christmas shopping,” Hank declared. “The Carson stores are all set for you, with everything you could want. Try ‘em first, at least!”

60 Years Ago

Councilman Robert Rigler last night urged the city council to proceed at once to annex to the city all of Ormsby County. The city, he said, would soon be supplying water, sewer, fire and police protection and other services to the entire county as new subdivisions and new zones were added and that a unified government was required for greater efficiency.


155 Years Ago

A fire — A peat marsh burning out — It is not generally known that around and in front of the Warm Springs lies a bed of peat, in face the real old Irish turf. It has been used by Col. Curry in times past as an article of fuel and found superior to any oral found on the coast. A few days since the proprietors started a fire in the high dry grass. When it was out it was found that the burnt ground was still on fire. It is yet burning and will do so until a heavy storm sets in.

140 Years Ago

The mining companies did a good thing when they decided not to do any work in the lower levels. Now when they shut down the hoisting work it will be a God send to this state.

120 Years Ago

Charles Kitzmeyer is unpacking some very handsome toilet sets for Christmas shoppers.

70 Years Ago

District Judge Frank Gregory set March 7 as date for district court trial of three Nevada state prison convicts accused of causing the death of a guard during an escape attempt Sept. 17.

60 Years Ago

A one-two punch was leveled today designed to knock out incidence of car theft in Carson City. The campaign was launched by the area’s independent insurance agents in cooperation with local officials. The program is called, “Lock Your Car, Take Your Keys.”

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.